Chapter 2709 The First Sight (6)

It's definitely not.

He was slowly relieved.

In this way, I convinced myself.

Brainwash yourself, then, suppress your doubts.




Outside the Hall of Yama.

On the bridge of Naihe.

Yun Si sat on the bridge lightly, her red dress fluttering, her bare feet swaying slightly.

Holding the half-eaten candied haws, the Bianhua tin between the eyebrows is bright red like fire, burning brightly, glowing red, bright and fresh.

The candied gourd in her hand was red and icy, and it was coated with sugar. After shaking it a few times, it made her look like a Fu Nian doll, exquisite and lovable, eccentric.

In this dark hell, there are lonely ghosts everywhere, with dead fish eyes.

Only she appeared abruptly and with bright colors.

Like the guardian spirit of hell, born here, abrupt and inexplicably harmonious.

The lonely and wild ghosts on the Naihe Bridge saw her and silently avoided her.

Afraid of offending her.

Beside the bridge, the old lady Meng, who was hard at work cooking soup, couldn't help feeling sour seeing her relaxed appearance.

"You're lucky, girl."

"I was born here, no one cares, I can go wherever I want, and I can do whatever I want."

"It's not like me, who is so miserable, at this age, I still can't stop, and I have to work every day, and I don't have to rest for half a day."

"...Huh? You want to rest?"

The eyes of the person sitting on the bridge lit up, "Okay, okay, you go to rest, I'll cook the soup for you, I like soup the most!"

Madam Meng: "..."

How could this heartless, dead girl not understand the point of her words? ? ?
Did she mean to rest? ?
She hunched over her old body and spat into the soup pot, annoyed.

"Come on, I'll boil the soup for you, I'm afraid it will be messed up in less than half a day!"

"The pot that I gave you a try last time, the ghost still has a stomachache after drinking it."

"It made my old lady so old that Yan Luo had to look for her, I was so mad!"

"..." The ghost girl on the bridge stuck out her tongue, "I didn't do it on purpose."

"It's the first time I've done it, so there must be a little... small accident."

She squeezed her fingers, indicating only a little.

It was really just a little bit of a surprise.

The eyes are big, and the appearance is innocent and slightly pitiful.

Grabbing a large spoon, Meng Po stirred the bubbling soup pot, feeling sorry for herself.

"'s a pity that I am so old, I still have to go to work, I have to work..."

"I also want to do nothing... I also want to play every day..."

"It will be my turn to be reincarnated in another day, and I will definitely become like you. Every day is careless, and I can live a day foolishly..."

"..." The girl on the bridge tilted her head and looked at her, "It's started again."

She shook her head as usual.

Meng Po will be like this every day.

When you are tired, you will feel sorry for yourself, blame the sky and the earth, and blame the injustice of this world.

I envy everyone I see, and I can find a few places to envy no matter what.

As if she was the only poorest person in the whole world, she would start to cry as she talked.

Tears of mourning flowed down the spoon and into the pot, mixed with other strange things.

Finally, Mengpo soup was successfully cooked.

The passing ghosts each drink a bowl, and can forget the sorrows in the world.

It is more effective than the wine that relieves thousands of worries.

While listening to Po Meng's complaints, she was eating her candied haws leisurely.

(End of this chapter)

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