Chapter 2821 Want to fold (43)

Yun Mu didn't speak for a long time, but when Yun Yanzhang saw it, he cried even louder.


"Hey, my mother is here."

Looking at his wound, Yun Mu felt distressed, and hurriedly said: "Quick, mother will take you back to the house to have a look, don't smash your brain..."

Seeing that she never scolded Yun Si, Yun Yanzhang stomped his feet, "Mom, scold my sister quickly!!! It's all her! It's all her fault!"

"...Okay, okay, mother scolds, mother scolds, mother scolds later."

"Good boy, go and rest, don't get hurt again..."

"..." Looking at this farce, Yun Si even wanted to laugh out loud.

Pull over Chunying and walk outside.

"Let's go and see Dad."

"...Yes, Miss." Chunying looked at Yun Yanzhang whose head was swollen beyond shape, and felt extremely relieved.

Walking is much easier.

"Miss, you are so powerful, you hit it with just one throw..."


Chunying hurriedly covered her mouth.




Walking to the study, Yun Si was about to go in.

No, the old housekeeper immediately stopped her when he saw her.

"Little Miss, you can't enter now."

"...?" Yun Si looked at the closed door, "Is my father here?"

The old butler looked nervous, "Yes, that's...a man just came and said he wanted to see the master, but...then..."

"Ah..." Yun Si understood, "Uncle Wang, can you just say that my father is busy?"

She just came to pay her respects as usual, and she was not in a hurry.

If he's busy, forget it.

The old housekeeper shook his head, "Master is not busy, it's just..."

Just as he was talking, he heard the door suddenly open.

The people inside came out slowly.

"Yes yes yes...Your Highness, please go slowly...This time I was rude, please don't blame me..."

Yun Hezhong was at the door, bowing again and again, his voice extremely respectful.

Outside the door, Yun Si, who was about to look over, realized something, secretly said "Oops", immediately turned around, and turned her back to the study door.

He raised his hand and covered his face.

"Miss?" Chun Ying was puzzled by her sudden reaction.

As soon as the voice came out, the old butler looked over, and Yun Hezhong, who was bowing to greet him, froze and raised his head instantly.

Inside the door, His Highness Chu Ling, who was supposed to be in the East Palace, stood there with raised eyebrows.

"..." Yun Si, who wanted to pretend to be a passer-by, cursed inwardly, raised her skirt and ran away.

Not daring to look back at all, almost fled in despair.

Chun Ying hurriedly followed, "Miss—wait for me—"

"..." The man in the women's skirt wanted to turn around and cover her mouth.

Stupid Chunying, she yelled like this because she was afraid that others would not pay attention to her! ?
Yun Hezhong twitched his lips slightly, and turned his head, "Your Highness, forgive me, this... this is my little girl."

"The little girl is young and ignorant, has a timid temperament, and has never met a stranger, so...that's why..."

Chu Ling lifted his foot and walked out of the study door.

The pace is steady, where there is such a lame appearance.

His eyes fell on the little fool who ran away, and he smiled half a smile, "How come I haven't heard of... Master Yun also has a daughter?"

"..." Yun Hezhong broke out in cold sweat, his voice trembling slightly, "'s like this, Your daughter has been weak since she was a child, and the doctor walk she seldom comes out. "

"Is it?"

The figure of the little fool disappeared, Chu Ling averted his gaze, and his tone became a little uncertain.

"How do you look at Gu... Does she look familiar?"


The sweat in Yun Hezhong came out completely.

(End of this chapter)

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