Chapter 2822 Want to fold (44)

"Your Highness...Your Highness...could it be a mistake..."

"'s also possible that Zhang'er and Xiaonv are twins of dragon and phoenix, because they look somewhat similar..."

He was not sure if Chu Ling had seen Yun Si's face clearly.

Probably he didn't see it clearly, otherwise, his current reaction probably wouldn't be like this...

Yun Hezhong's heart was trembling, and he bowed, his head wishing to be level with his knees.

There was sweat on his forehead, and his body seemed to tremble slightly.

Afraid of being discovered by him, he didn't even dare to breathe harder.

"Your Highness..."

Chu Ling lowered his eyes and looked at him, his eyes were dark, "Master Yun, why are you so nervous?"

His voice was clear and cold, revealing a treacherous and cool energy.

The speed of speech is not fast, but it is like a knife being sharpened by the executioner, bit by bit, torturing people's hearts.

It is suffocating.

It's summer, the hottest time of the year.

But His Royal Highness, whose face was as white as a water ghost, seemed to have cold eyes.

The cold depth is bone-piercingly cold, penetrating into the human skin.

He didn't do anything, just asked something vaguely.

As a result, the leader of Yun Hezhong was about to go down to the ground.

Kneeling down, knees hit the ground hard.

"His... Your Highness, minister... minister..."

He had done something bad, and he couldn't even finish his sentence.

I waited for a long time.

"Your Highness, please forgive me, minister..."

"Your Highness!"

A soft and clear voice sounded, interrupting Yun Hezhong's stuttering voice.

Arriving like a savior, Jiyun Hezhong was in the midst of water and fire.

Chu Ling was obviously certain, and then he raised his eyes, moody and angry.

Yun Hezhong, who was kneeling on the ground, could feel his breathing suddenly smooth, the sense of oppression disappeared, and the feeling of gratitude for the rest of his life almost made him paralyzed and turned into water.

Sitting on the ground, unable to stand up.


His youngest daughter, who hastily changed from women's clothes to men's clothes, ran over and grabbed Chu Ling's hand.

"Your Highness..." She ran too fast, and she was panting.

Her bright and white face was flushed red, her lips were gorgeous, and her breath was surprisingly fragrant.

The unnamed incense that my daughter's home brings is irresistible.

She was as beautiful as a fairy running out from among the flowers, her hair was messy, but she had her own style.

Because she came in a hurry, her long hair was not tied up in time, so she simply tied it with a headband.

Looking at it like this, it is clearly a girl.

A beautiful girl with a delicate body and soft body, even if she deliberately thickened her voice and wore men's clothing.

Chu Ling's deep eyes fixed on her, and his Adam's apple moved slightly.

For a moment, his eyes became terrifying.

Dark, vicious, greedy, with a strong aggressiveness.

Like the vicious and vicious eagle, trying to tear her apart.

Shredded whole.

"Why are you here, Your Highness?"

She grabbed his hand and pulled him aside.

Next to the study was a small garden, but there was no one there, so she took him there.

Chu Ling kept staring at her without saying a word.

His eyes were faintly strong and strangely strong.

The perennially cold palm seemed to become warm under her touch.

In this hot summer, it becomes the hotter and hotter fire.

"...Your Highness?"

She waved her hand in front of his eyes.

The next second, her hand was grabbed.

"It's free, let's take a look."

His tone was as usual, flat and flat.

It's not as oppressive as it was in front of Yun Hezhong, and it's also less distant and unkind.

It can be seen with the naked eye that he treats her differently.

She can speak as an equal, and she can be more casual without saluting him.

(End of this chapter)

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