Chapter 2828 Want to fold (50)

Yun Si looked at her and didn't speak.

For a long time, she asked abruptly, "Do we look... as if we are going to kiss?"

Chunying was taken aback for a moment, not sure where her focus was.

"Miss, what do you mean..."

Yun Si slowly withdrew her hands, lay down on the table again, and muttered, "Yeah... I'm about to kiss..."

So, why doesn't he hide?
From a distance, it was the intention of kissing, or she took the initiative.

Being so close, and there are two men, logically speaking, he should hide.

Why don't you hide...

She was fascinated, but Chunying next to her looked blank.


After thinking for a long time, Yun Si raised her head and said, "Chun Ying, go prepare two sets of women's clothing and put them in my luggage."

When she returns to the palace in a few days, she can take it with her.

Chunying listened, puzzled: "Miss, this is..."

Yun Si lay down again, didn't say anything, only vaguely said: "Maybe... there will be a chance to wear it."

Chunying: ...?
She was about to continue asking, when outside the house, Yun Hezhong, who had sent Chu Ling away, rushed over.

"Si Si!" When he broke in, he even brought a gust of wind with him, making the world dusty.

"How's it going!? How's it going?! Did His Highness say something just now? Has Your Highness discovered your identity?"

"Have you confessed to His Highness? Did His Highness know? Was His Highness angry? Did you beg His Highness for mercy?"

Questions are dropped like bombs in succession.

There was no chance for anyone to interrupt and answer.

Yun Si straightened up and looked up at him, "Father, what are you talking about?"

Yun Hezhong was covered in sweat, dripping with sweat, and his collar was almost wet.

Seeing that she didn't understand, he sat down, poured a sip of tea, panted, and said, "Just now...just before His Highness left...ask...ask me...are you hiding something from him?"

It sounds like a casual question, but if it is matched with Chu Ling's strange and unclear tone...

It's scary.

It always felt like he knew something.

Seeing his frightened appearance, Yun Si was slightly silent, "Father, you've been like this... Your Highness just doesn't want to find out, isn't it hard?"

Too guilty to dare to look at Chu Ling.

At critical moments, he will stutter and speak slurred.

His knowledge is too shallow. If it was four or five years ago, he might have been able to hide the truth from the still young Chu Ling.

but now……

Yun Si looked at Chunying, asked for a handkerchief from her, and then handed it to Yun Hezhong.

"Father, wipe off your sweat first, it's okay, His Highness may just be talking casually."

"...Really?" Yun Hezhong now relies entirely on her.

In front of Chu Ling, she was the one who could talk the most.

She said it was okay, so it must be okay.

"Is it really all right? Your Highness, did he find out now or not—"

Yun Si paused for a moment, then replied calmly, "It should...not be found."

Because it has not been confirmed yet, the word "should" must be added rigorously.

But Yun Hezhong ignored the ambiguity in her answer, and was immediately relieved when he didn't notice it.

"That's good, that's's good if you don't find out..."

He was so frightened that his hands and feet were cold, he hurriedly wiped his sweat.

It was as if the whole body was going to collapse from fright.

On the side, Chun Ying, who had been listening all the time, opened her mouth, wanting to say something, "Master..."

But Yun Si glanced at her and signaled her not to speak.

Chunying had no choice but to keep her mouth shut.

Bow your head and be a transparent person.

(End of this chapter)

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