Chapter 2829 Want to fold (51)

At this time, Xinyi Tea House.

People coming and going in the tea house are busy.

There are many people and the noise is constant.

In the upper-class box of the tea house, the door is closed and the windows are sealed.

The high-quality pear-blossom wooden windows blocked the view in the box, but it was difficult to cover up the unbearable groans.

Turning Luan and Phoenix upside down, the clothes are all faded.

The infinite scenery was completely covered up, only the voice that made people blush and heartbeat became clearer.

Hearing this, the maid outside the box was blushing and hardly dared to raise her head.

There are many guests downstairs, and there are eyes everywhere.

It's blue sky and white day again, doing such things is even more unbearable and exciting.

a long time.

The sound in the box stopped.

Not long after, the door of the compartment opened, and two men in unlined clothes came out.

Swaggeringly, leave.

Like two pompous ducks.

The maid lowered her head and didn't speak until they left before entering the box.

Clean up silently.

On the bed, the woman with a rosy complexion and a variety of styles put on her clothes, like a coquettish vixen who had absorbed the energy, her face was radiant, and her pair of delicate and beautiful eyes were even more embarrassing and moving.

The maid helped her up and put on her dress.

She has a languid posture, with a look of contentment and joy in her eyes.

The debauchery of the whole body was covered up, and she put on the gorgeous clothes, and soon, she became a noble concubine with infinite dignity and manners.

The gorgeous rose-colored nails played with her long hair, and she lazily looked at the window that the maid had just opened.

As it was getting late, her voice was soft and charming, "The young master of the Yun family hasn't come yet?"

The maid bowed her head and replied, "Go back to your mother, she hasn't arrived yet."

"..." Now, Empress Qingluan, who was in a good mood before, became a little unhappy.

Her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, her red lips lightly pursed, "You really are a big celebrity..."

"If you feel that you are being favored, you will become arrogant... I can't even invite you."

Between the lines, it is all ridicule.

The maid did not speak, and remained silent.

These years, Lin Qingluan's life has not been easy.

After the emperor fell ill, he never got up again.

After Chu Ling came to power, the power of the previous dynasty gradually tilted towards him.

It turned out that she could still whisper in the old emperor's ear when he was awake, and wanted to intervene in the affairs of the previous court.

but now……

The old emperor was hanging with only one breath left all over his body.

The imperial doctor was on guard day and night, and it was difficult for her to see her even if she wanted to, let alone anything else.

She was in the deep palace, and could only watch helplessly as Chu Ling dealt with the people she finally arranged to be dealt with by Chu Ling with various excuses.

He is a prince, but his status is already like that of an emperor.

The ministers of the previous dynasty were all fine men, and seeing the general trend, they turned their backs one after another.

In the past, everyone was not optimistic about such a sick and lame so-called prince, but now——

Lin Qingluan sat up slowly, her eyes were cold.

No matter what, you have to make good use of the Yun family's move.

As long as you use that move well...

"A-Lian, find a reason to call him here."

Now the palace is full of Chu Ling's people inside and out, she can't see the face of that little companion at all.

If he wanted to see him, he could only stay outside the palace, taking advantage of the two days when he returned home to rest.

The maid responded, turned around and walked out.

But soon, she came back.

When he came back, he was shocked.


Behind her, followed by two strong men.

It was the two who left just now, walking like arrogant ducks.

Topless, grinning.

"Imperial Concubine~ Hehehehehe~"

(End of this chapter)

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