Chapter 2842 Want to fold (64)

The seemingly innocent and ignorant person is so bold that he is a little too flattering when it comes to matters between men and women.

She pressed against his lips for a while.

She just took the initiative, and after that, she was about to back away slowly.

But the next second—

The man who had been motionless held her face in his hands.

He directly pressed her against the pillar, turning her back on the guest.

The calm lake, at that moment, ushered in a violent storm and thunder.


The sound of heavy and irritable breathing filled the silent palace.

Like a beast out of a cage, a devil is in prison.

The window paper, which was originally broken, is now completely torn, shredded, and even burned.

There is nothing left.

The skylight is already open.

The man who was forced to the wall stump was caught off guard and wanted to struggle.

I can't even talk when I shoot him.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was immediately attacked and lost his territory.

She couldn't help it: "Dian—uh—don't—"




Yun Si always thought that Chu Ling was a decent person.

Before the window paper is pierced.

On weekdays, Chu Ling was too indifferent and serious, and he rarely touched her—touched her actively.

From the first day when he was his companion, she has always been the one who took the initiative.

Take the initiative to get close to him, take the initiative to help him, take the initiative to pull his sleeve, take the initiative to grab his hand...

She likes him, so she never hides it.

Just like that, follow him, follow the little tail wherever you go.

He doesn't need to do anything, just turn his head and he can see her, this silly tail.

Don't ask for anything, just follow him, want to follow.

At this time, he would not say anything, and turned his head with a cold expression.

It is hard to get into his heart even for those who are not easy to get close to.

Therefore, Yunsi planned to take the long-term route at the beginning.

I thought about taking my time, and one day I would be able to impress him.


I don't know when, she seems to have really moved him.

When he looked at her, he would smile and no longer reject her approach.

Even, sometimes, he would take the initiative to reach out and ask her to hold her hand, and then listen to her talk.

What others dare not say, let her say, and he will listen.

He often tolerated her laziness, and he never said anything about her childish naughtiness.

Not bad for her.

Yun Si thinks she is good.


It is also limited to this.

It hadn't occurred to her that he liked her, hardly ever.

On the one hand, it was because he was disguised as a man and appeared as a man, so he couldn't possibly like it;

On the other hand, it's also because he doesn't act like he likes it.

Get along normally, talk normally, touch normally.

Never crossed the line.

Occasionally there will be a little bit of ambiguity, but that seems to be just her illusion.

It was just an illusion, he didn't have any other actions.

It makes people think too much, but they can't think too much.

Therefore, before Chunying reminded her, she hardly thought of the relationship between the two of them as a relationship between a man and a woman, but as a brotherhood.

A brotherhood that keeps a proper distance.

Until the window paper was pierced and the moment she kissed him——

The persona of a serious person collapsed, completely collapsed.

That night, he almost ate her, like a lunatic, he couldn't even push her away.

The matter of confessing that the woman disguised herself as a man passed lightly, but the time she took the initiative to kiss him, he was repeatedly asked to explain it.

There had to be a reason to force her to say what he wanted to hear.

Yun Si couldn't escape even if she wanted to.

(End of this chapter)

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