Chapter 2843 Want to fold (65)

Yun Si couldn't escape even if she wanted to.

With disheveled hair and a beautiful dress.

Confined to a square inch, the waist was restrained, and he was forced to speak.

His breathing was fast and strong, like the most venomous sun in a hot summer day.

It scalds the human skin, layer by layer, and penetrates.

Fierce and powerful.

With slender white fingers, she pushed him hard.

As a result, during the movement, he kept retreating and couldn't hold back.

The hanging moon shadow gauze tent is quiet and quiet, overlapping.

Under the dim light like wine, the two shadows that almost merged into one body reflected.

During the disordered breathing, I don't know who is drunk.

Dizzy, blushing.

I almost forgot the time, not knowing what time it is.

Their lips and teeth were intertwined, and when they were about to leave, for a moment, the oppressive person like a rabbit couldn't stand, his legs were so weak that they were in a mess.

She could only be hugged, panting softly with the support of the man's arm.

His snow-white face was astonishingly red and soft, and he leaned his head against his arms, breathing in small mouthfuls.

The slender pale fingers clutched his sleeves unconsciously, his shoulders trembled slightly, weak and weak.

Obviously, he was not clearly stimulated by this long, intoxicating and strong kiss.

His skills are too shallow, and he is completely unable to withstand a man who is skilled in kissing.

Too diligent, it made her whole body red and hot.

He hugged her, lowered his chin, and stroked her loose long hair with extremely gentle palms.

One hand hugged her tightly like a steel clavicle, and the other was gentle and gentle, caressing her heart like spring wind turning into rain.

Serious and nasty, sane and crazy.

Extremely divided.

It's extremely confusing, and I don't know what to do.

The person who was so kissed that he couldn't even stand still had black, soft and bright eyes like a cat's kitten, with misty eyes, and slightly raised his head.

Unbelievably red, soft and slightly red and swollen lips opened tremblingly, panting.

"you you……"

"Have you ever kissed someone else?"

Stupid people, don't know what's going on in their minds.

After being bullied like this, he calmed down and didn't ask anything, but this was what he asked.

The brain circuit is always so strange, so cute.

Chu Ling touched the back of her head, curled his lips, and tightened his arms holding her.

With warm fragrance and jade in his arms, he seemed to be in a good mood.

Well, answer all questions, with a lazy and satisfying tone.



The red-faced girl who was hugged in her arms pursed her lips, her moist eyes were watery and clear.

The cheeks are red, the ears are hot, and the legs are soft.

In this way, she seemed a little unhappy.

Like vinegar.

"How could it not be?"

Her voice as soft as candied fruit trembled, "You must have kissed someone else."

The first time I kissed, how could he be like this——

She gestured to push him away.

In his last life, in his last life, in his last life, he wasn't like this.

Stupid man, you will know if you have kissed someone before.

Those who have never kissed anyone are mad dogs who have no way of knowing how to behave and come here randomly. They don't know any skills, they only know how to run wild, and even know how to bite.

Only those who have kissed someone, or those who have been married to her for a long time, will be like him this time——



She pushed him away, and the beautiful and wet peach blossoms looked at him, as if she was watching a heartless man who loves to play with women.

Jealousy and angry and sad.

The slightly swollen lips were tense and collapsed into a straight line.

"you're lying!"

(End of this chapter)

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