Chapter 2848 Want to fold (70)

But with the observation these days, the idea of ​​guessing in his heart has become more and more...

It's hard to deny.

The two were too close.

Even once by chance, he saw the hands of the two.

Two men, holding hands tightly...

It might make sense to put it on others, but on His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who is cold by nature and rarely communicates with others——

It doesn't make sense at all.

Either he is crazy...

Either... or things have gone awry.

There was no warning, and there was no sign of stopping.

Eunuch Zheng came out of the palace, stood at the door, holding a whisk, his expression became more serious.

Like something bad happened.

I don't know what I'm thinking about, and I'm very preoccupied.

Long time no post.

Seeing this, his apprentice stepped forward.

"Master, what's the matter? But something big happened?"

After serving His Highness for many years, his master rarely showed such a worried and dignified expression.

Even back then, when the nomadic tribes in the west invaded the border, the border generals colluded with foreign ministers to commit corruption, which made His Royal Highness furious. He issued an order to kill many people overnight. His master was not like this... His expression was too serious .

From this point of view, the incident this time was more serious than that one.

"..." Eunuch Zheng glanced at him, but didn't answer.

He just asked vaguely, "Zelin, what do you think... Mr. Yun?"

"...Huh?" The little apprentice didn't quite understand what he meant, "Master means...?"

"Various aspects."

"Aspects?" The little apprentice hesitated and thought for a while, "Everything... is pretty good, right? Isn't Mr. Yun always very good? Master, you also said that others are good, right?"

As servants, although they can't evaluate their masters, they still compare in private.

For Yun Si, after getting along for a long time, they also knew what she was like.

He does not fight or grab, has an easy-going and natural personality, is polite and friendly to others, never acts recklessly on the favor of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and never bullies others by taking advantage of his power.

He is a very good master, impeccable.

So sometimes, he was quite envious of the two father-in-laws, Ze Guang and Ze Qing.

Having met such a good master, the work is much easier, and I don't have to live in fear every day.

He once wanted to transfer over and be her servant.

Thinking of this, he muttered casually: "It's just that she looks a bit too doesn't look like a man..."

If you have to find faults, this is the only one.

Everything is good, but the appearance...

So beautiful, like a girl, feminine.

He was an eunuch who looked at it, sometimes in a daze, attracted by her appearance.

"..." Eunuch Zheng looked into the distance.

He seemed to be thinking about something in his heart for a while, as if he was in a daze.

"...Is it because you are too fair and good-looking, that's why you... like this?"

He was talking to himself.

Because I couldn't think of a reason, I had to think about it.

After all, the person chosen by His Highness himself was really good-looking.

Good-looking since childhood, like a clever and mischievous child under the Bodhi tree, with deep blessings, carved in powder and carved with jade, with delicate and delicate facial features, it is an exceptional symbol.

The logo looks like the gods have carefully traced it with a ruler, drawing it bit by bit.

When I was a child, I was the embryo of a beauty, a fairy boy with Huigen.

Grow up, grow up...the more beautiful you are.

If it is not known that he is a man, I am afraid that people will misunderstand that he is disguised as a man, hiding his identity as a daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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