Chapter 2849 Want to fold (71)

She is really good-looking, her skin is whiter than snow, her figure is as slender as a willow, and her pair of watery eyes are even more seductive and charming like a demon fox.

Looking at it inadvertently, it is full of water, seductive without knowing it, and the eyes are as pure as a deer, free from dust.

Really nice.

Although it is a man's body, it is exceptionally seductive.

It can be said that men and women take all.

It can make His Highness unable to hold back...

I can understand.


Mr. Yun is a man, this man and this man——

Eunuch Zheng suddenly felt that the unimaginable things before could be explained.

Why is His Highness already in his twenties, and there are no concubines or concubines in the palace, or even maids who accompany the bed.

The other royal children had women at the age of [-] or [-], and became fathers at the age of [-] or [-], but His Royal Highness——

Until now, no.

The entire East Palace, except for eunuchs, is full of guards.

Not a single lady-in-waiting.

Purity of few desires is terrifying.

In the past, he still couldn't figure it out. He could only explain it as His Highness didn't care about desires and only focused on state affairs.

But think about it now...

Simply terrified.

The more Eunuch Zheng thought about it, the more frightened he became, and the more he thought about it, the more cold sweat broke out.

Obviously not daring to think about it anymore, but couldn't help thinking——

Think about the dangers of this.

The future emperor hates women, loves men, has a habit of breaking sleeves, and even gives his classmates to...

If this gets out——

"Eunuch Zheng?"

A sudden voice came, caught off guard.

It interrupted his thoughts and brought him back to reality.

"Eunuch Zheng, what are you thinking?"

Yun Si called him several times, but he never answered.

In front of him, the delicate and white man looked at him, with inquiry in his clear eyes.

Only then did Eunuch Zheng come back to his senses, and when he saw it was her, he hurriedly saluted, "My lord."

"..." The girl in men's clothes lowered her eyes and her red lips moved slightly, "Eunuch you have something on your mind?"

Eunuch Zheng was afraid that she would notice something, so he lowered his head and hurriedly said: "No, you are worrying too much, this old slave is just distracted for a while, it's nothing serious."

"...Really?" She looked at him with bright eyes, "Elder-in-law... are you really all right?"

"Yes... Young Master, this old slave is fine."

He was sweating first, but he didn't dare to wipe it off.

Afraid of being discovered by her.

After all, it is a secret matter in the deep palace. In terms of severity, it is probably more serious than concubines stealing people.

If this gets out, it will cause shocks in the court...

He might be the first to lose his head.

Having lived in the palace for several years, Eunuch Zheng naturally understood the principle of saying less and seeing less.

Especially serving the young and suspicious future emperor in the palace, even more...

Be cautious.

You have to keep it secret before you can think about anything else.

Eunuch Zheng lowered his head, suppressed his nervous nerves, and remained respectful with his usual expression.

"Young master, do you have something important to tell me?"

"..." The fair and feminine man stared at him for a long time without saying a word.

As if he could see through his thoughts at the moment.

But in the end, she didn't say anything, just shook her head and replied: "It's nothing, it's getting late, I'll go first."

It was late at night, she was sleepy and wanted to go back to sleep.

Eunuch Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, and bent slightly, "Yes, then...Young Master, go slowly."

Seeing the expression on his face, Yun Si narrowed her eyes slightly.

This little old man...

It felt like he knew something.

Afraid of being discovered by her.

She saw it, and closed her eyes, but didn't make a sound.

Simply return the salute, and then leave as usual.

Look safe.

(End of this chapter)

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