Chapter 2850 Want to fold (72)

Ze Guang and Ze Qing, who were waiting at the side, quickly followed.

Eunuch Zheng followed her with his eyes until her figure disappeared into the night, and then he completely let go of the burden in his heart.

Stand with your shoulders slightly loose.


Pressing back what he wanted to say, he sighed.

Shaking his head.


Everything I wanted to say was hidden in that sigh.

Nothing can be done.

It's just not safe.

At this time, the night is still long.

The long night is long, and the deep palace is lonely.

After Yun Si left, Eunuch Zheng stood in front of the hall, waiting quietly, without saying a word.

On the side, the apprentice he personally brought was peeping at him.

The young man, full of ghosts, looked at the solemn look on his master's face, and at the direction Yun Si was leaving.


Silently, he kept his master's abnormality in his heart.

He bowed his head, seemingly thoughtful.

Mr. Yun...




late at night.

The moon and stars are sparse, and Wan Lai is silent.

It was three o'clock in the middle of the night, the time when everyone fell asleep.

The normally brightly lit political palace was now pitch black, and the gates of the palace were closed.

In the inner palace of the Eastern Palace, the courtyard is empty, and the garden is lonely and peaceful, with no one there.

Only the night guards are still guarding the gates of each checkpoint, standing silently and upright, like a deadpool made of steel, motionless, and the weapons in their hands are gleaming with cold light.

The mobile night watchmen patrolled around the East Palace as usual.

The footsteps are steady and powerful, with a consistent rhythm.

Repeatedly, strictly guarded.

In the patrol corridor, the lanterns were on, illuminating the surrounding scene under the thick night.

Fireflies are flying in the air, shuttling among them freely.

It was supposed to be the main character in this dark night, but just as he was about to land, someone suddenly walked over in the patrol corridor.

Taking away the protagonist's position also disturbed the fireflies that were as bright as stars.

The fireflies flew away immediately.

It was Zelling.

I drank too much water before going to bed, woke up with urine, and got up to go to the toilet.

While yawning, he looked for the latrine.

Walking through the corridor, walking to the path in the middle, with sleepy eyes, I just glanced inadvertently——

He saw a dark shadow.

In a flash.

It was so fast that people suspected that it was their own vertigo.

Zelin's yawning stopped for an instant, and then the sleepy bug disappeared, and he rubbed his eyes.

...can't see anything.

The shadow just now seemed to be just his illusion.

He tried to open his eyes wide and looked around.

There is no one around, and the night watchman just passed by here, and won't be back so soon.

The defense at this time can be said to be nonexistent.

that shadow...

Ze Qing looked in the direction where the shadow flashed past - Shouchen Palace?

That's not Mr. Yun's residence——

Before he could think about it, he was suddenly patted on the shoulder.

His master's voice came, "You don't sleep in the middle of the night, what are you doing here?"

Zeqing turned around, "Master."

Seeing that it was his master, he opened his mouth and wanted to say something immediately.

But after thinking about it, because it was just a blink of an eye, he was a little uncertain—not sure if what he saw was a human figure, or...

"Master, I just..."


"...It's okay, I just...seemed to be a little sleepy."

He scratched his head, na na, "I wanted to go to the toilet..."

Thinking about it carefully, this East Palace is already the most heavily guarded place in the palace.

It is impossible for a thief to break in.

It was probably the guards, or maybe he was dazzled.

Because his master had taught him to be cautious in his words and deeds, he dared not say things that had no basis.

(End of this chapter)

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