Chapter 2858 Want to fold (80)

"Isn't it kicked away, not a fart?"

"Why don't you talk? Talk, don't you usually speak well?"

"Say, a little bit a little bit a little bit~"


Yun Si, who has never been very good-tempered to outsiders, suddenly stopped in her footsteps.

Release the clenched fist, and then look at him.

Her fair face was as calm as water.

Yun Yanzhang:?

In the next second, she bent down and picked up a big stone from the ground.

Yun Yanzhang, who was still talking sarcasticly just now with an extremely arrogant expression, suddenly changed his expression.

Like a mouse seeing a cat, its neck shrank subconsciously.

"Hey you you you-"

The big rock was lifted up, and it was about to hit it hard.

Yun Yanzhang, who saw the bad situation, ran away immediately, and ran away.

His chubby body disappeared in a flash.

It is flexible to run.

While running, she yelled, "Mother—mother—beat someone——Yun Si beat someone—"

His frantic screams can be heard from far away, stupid and stupid, like a wild boar.

Stupid and obnoxious boar.

Yun Si stood where she was, dropped the stone, and patted it.


She snorted coldly and turned around.

"Chunying, let's go."

"Yes, ma'am."

Chunying looked relieved, quickly followed her, and hugged her arm.

"Miss, are you alright?"

"It's all right."

Chunying followed her and walked towards the house, "But today... Chunying heard that Miss, you made His Royal Highness angry..."

"Oh, that..." The man with a fair face tilted his head to look at her, his eyes blinked, and he said, "Don't worry, it's my brother who was punished on the left and right, not me."

Chunying was taken aback.

"But... Madam said, I want you to do things alone, miss, and I want you to be punished instead of the eldest son..."

"..." She curled her lips slightly, "That's not sure..."

Chunying listened, a little confused, "Miss means..."

Yun Si didn't answer, just patted her head and smiled.

"You'll know then."

she said.

Chunying nodded blankly, "When the time comes..."




When the time comes, it will be that night.

That night, Yun Yanzhang's departure date and Yun Si's entry date were fixed on the same day.

Yun Si entered the palace in the morning, and Yun Yanzhang left in the afternoon.

Although the time is not completely collided, it is not bad.

Therefore, Mica's wish that one person should do things and one should be responsible was shattered.

Because Yun Si cannot be divided into two parts.

A person must either enter the palace or leave the capital.

It is simply impossible to do two things at the same time.

If he enters the palace, then the real Yun Yanzhang will leave Beijing and go to that distant place of bitter cold.

It is impossible for Mica to agree.

But if Yun Si was asked to leave Beijing as a man, then the real Yun Yanzhang would have to dress up as a woman and enter the palace as a daughter.

Two people, replacing each other's identities.

In theory it might work, but in practice...

At night, after bathing and cleaning herself, Yun Si, who was lying on the bed, heard crying outside the house.

The very familiar, unreasonable crying came from her brother.

The sound almost disturbed the whole yard.

I was so shocked that the moon in the sky couldn't live in peace.

Clearly, her parents made a choice.

Very correct choice.

Yun Si lay on the bed, listening to the crying outside, stretching lazily.

Very comfortable.

Crossing Erlang's legs, shaking Bai Shengsheng's feet.

The mood is visibly good.

(End of this chapter)

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