Chapter 2862 Want to fold (84)

He even had the patience to appreciate the crying outside the house.

Chunying came in from outside the house with tea, and when she opened the door, there was no obstruction, and the crying outside was even clearer.

Crying and making noise, accompanied by the sound of throwing things.

There is no longer the arrogant appearance of watching the excitement in the daytime.

At first, I thought I was an audience, but I didn't think about it, and found that the protagonist was actually me.

If he couldn't laugh anymore, he could only use the old method, crying, making trouble and hanging himself.

I have to throw this hot potato out.

Chunying held the tea, closed the door, and walked in.

Hearing the cries outside, he was worried.

"Miss, the eldest son has lost his temper again, what should we do?"

Having witnessed such things several times, every time Chunying heard Yun Yanzhang's cry, she knew that something was wrong.

As long as he cries, nothing happens.

Then, with peace of mind, he pushed everything to his own lady.

All the benefits belong to him, and all the troubles are given to the young lady.

It's bad, it's disgusting, and it's so frustrating.

It's been like this every time before, and after letting him taste the sweetness, he tried repeatedly.

This time again——

"Okay, Chunying, don't worry."

The person lying on the bed sat up, with disheveled hair, beautiful and clear eyebrows and eyes.

With a smile on his face, he looked at her and hugged the pillow.

The voice is soft, with the charm and softness of a bright girl.

"Father and mother will coax him well, let's just pretend not to hear."

"When the door is closed, the sound will be quieter."

"..." Chunying put down the tea, aggrieved, "Miss, you are so good-tempered that you call the eldest son like this—"

Just thinking about it made her angry.

"The eldest son is partial because of his wife, and he is partial every time!"

"Miss Mingming, you are also Madam's child, why - why doesn't Madam love you?"

Two children, one is obedient, obedient and understanding, and the other is stupid, stupid and selfish.

The contrast is so sharp, Madam still——

As if blind-

"..." Yun Si smiled, looking a little unconcerned.

"Okay, Chunying, let's not be angry, don't be angry for insignificant people."

She is quite normal-hearted, and she won't get emotional because of irrelevant people.

As long as the person she likes likes her, that's fine.

Other than that, it doesn't matter.

Yun Si's face was pressed against the pillow, her cheeks were fleshy.

The eyes are watery, blinking, like a beautiful and soft rabbit.

It makes people want to hug, kiss and hug.

Play cute unconsciously.

"And... maybe it's not certain, we don't have to leave, we can still enter the palace."

"Chunying, do you want to enter the palace?"

When Chunying heard this, she was taken aback, "Entering the palace?"

She nodded.

Chun Ying seemed to have thought of something, and hurried over, "Miss, you can still enter the palace, see His Highness the Crown Prince again, and ask him for mercy?"

"..." Yunsi didn't say yes or no, she just looked at her and asked, "If there is a chance to enter the palace, Chunying, would you like to go with me?"

There is no beginning and no end, just asking like this makes people puzzled.

Chunying hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Chunying is willing to follow Miss, Chunying will go wherever Miss goes."

The person on the bed tilted his head, "Don't rush to make a decision. If you don't want to, I'll ask the housekeeper for your contract of sale and return it to you."

"At that time, you will be free, you can go wherever you want, and then take some money to go, go to another place to build a house, and enjoy yourself well. At that time, you will no longer be bullied by others, and you don't need to look at people's faces..."

(End of this chapter)

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