Chapter 2860 Want to fold (82)

"No, if Chunying doesn't leave, Chunying will follow Miss."

she interrupted.

"Miss is a good person, Chun Ying is willing to follow her."

She grabbed her hand, very firmly.

"Miss, don't chase me away, I won't leave."

"..." Yun Si looked at her and pondered.

"I don't mean to drive you away, I just think..."

She is a good person, and she deserves to live a good life, happy and safe.

There has to be a happy ending.

"Anyway, you can think about it again."

She raised her face and smiled, "If you change your mind, you can tell me anytime."

He is a kind and gentle person.

When others treat her well, she will reciprocate.

Warm each other.

Chunying was a little moved, "Miss..."

"Okay, don't cry."

Yun Si touches her.

"Yes... miss."

Chunying lowered her head and rubbed her eyes.




Yun Si gave Chunying a long time to consider for her choice.

But in the end, she chose to follow her into the palace instead of leaving alone.

According to her words, Miss treats her well, she has already regarded Miss as a relative, so naturally she is not willing to leave.

What's more, the palace is dangerous, and she doesn't want the young lady to be alone in the palace.

She wants to be with Miss all the time.

Yun Si respected her wishes, and brought her into the palace together.

On the day of entering the palace, Yun Si set off in the expectation of Yun's father and Yun's mother.

Yun Hezhong hoped that she would be selected, so that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince would be happy, and he withdrew the imperial edict to punish Zhang'er.

Mica was still angry with her, but there was nothing she could do.

Before leaving, she told her to behave well after entering the palace and try to rescue her brother.

Put high hopes on her, and don't care about others.

When Yun Si left, her so-called elder brother never showed up.

After crying for several days, he even fell ill.

He fell on the bed, had a fever, and was still on a hunger strike.

Trying to escape this punishment with illness.

Yun Si looked at the imperial guards guarding the gate of the Yun Mansion, holding the imperial decree, and went in to arrest people as soon as the time came.

Calling her dear brother, he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

She curled her lips slightly and lowered the curtain.

Sit down and straighten your skirt.

Chunying sat on her left side with an excited face, "Miss, we are entering the palace! We are going to enter the palace!"

At first, she thought that they would be thrown out by the master and sent to the frontier.

Didn't realize——

"..." Yun Si, who was wearing a beautiful skirt, put on a light and airy veil.

Only the peach blossom eyes with twinkling water are exposed, which are full of light and smile.

"Well, we're entering the palace."

After the voice fell, the carriage started to move.

Drive towards the direction of the palace.

Chunying was so excited that she didn't know what to say.

Rambling all the way.

"When I enter the palace... I enter the palace... I see His Highness the Crown Prince... His Highness will definitely like Miss..."

"When His Highness sees you, miss... sees you... ah... what if His Highness recognizes you, miss?"

"Miss, are you nervous? If you see His Highness, what should you say?"

Chunying was excited for a while, and worried for a while.

"When His Highness sees you, will he immediately find that you are—"

"If you find out—"

"...No, miss, you are wearing women's clothing now, and you have put on makeup, so you shouldn't be able to recognize... Your Highness can't recognize..."


Yun Si looked at her quietly, and smiled helplessly, "Well, I probably won't recognize her."

Besides, she was wearing a veil.

She touched the veil on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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