Chapter 2861 Want to fold (83)

Soon, the carriage entered the palace.

What Chunying was worried about at the beginning did not happen.

However, things were a little beyond her imagination.

It was originally agreed to enter the palace as a candidate for the crown princess, but I never thought that the lady would directly enter the East Palace where His Royal Highness the crown prince is.

As soon as the carriage got off, he was taken away alone.

It was taken away by the eunuch who had been serving the young lady before.

She couldn't follow and was led to another palace.

None of the other official ladies from the side appeared here, but the only lady from the family came directly to the East Palace.

As if it was predetermined.

Even though Chunying was ignorant, she didn't understand the rules in the palace, and she was vaguely aware of something.

My lady seems to be...

She didn't think about it, and didn't dare to speculate.

Had to wait.

Uneasy in my heart.

"Don't let anything happen..."

she said to herself.




At this time, the prince sleeps in the palace.

Zhuyu's luxurious sleeping hall is decorated with golden silk curtains and ambergris.

On the top of the vermilion lacquer wall pillars, the painted carvings are magnificent and vivid.

The giant four-clawed dragon python rolled its powerful body and shuttled over it, its eyes wide open, majestic and majestic.

It's a fake, but it's real.

Looking down impressively, the momentum is compelling.

People came down from the eaves, and the painted giant python watched quietly.

Just watching, the visitor stood in front of the emerald screen, disturbing the incense burning in the furnace, and making a sound.

Facing the figure who was changing clothes behind the screen, he whispered: "Your Highness."

Fang Fang turned down, and His Highness the Crown Prince was wearing a dark purple gilt python robe, with a long body standing tall, and through the radiant screen, he slowly took off his clothes.

Someone called out, but he didn't look back.

His clothes were unbuttoned, and he took off his robe, revealing his lean and generous upper body.

The cold and deep face is slightly tilted, the bridge of the nose is straight and straight, and the eyebrows and eyes are affectionate.

The pupils are black as caves.

"come over."

The voice is not loud, but it can be heard clearly.

"..." The person standing outside the screen raised his eyes, and his beautiful and soft pupils blinked lightly.

He didn't speak, but passed obediently.

Go around the screen and walk in front of him.

The face was still veiled, a soft, silky satin veil.

Most of her face was covered, only her eyes were exposed.

Ambilight, beautiful eyes that can talk, looking at him, the arc is slightly curved.

"Your Highness."

Without a sleeve, she grabbed his hand.


Silently coquettish.

Letting her out of the palace, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who hadn't seen her for several days, pulled her hand violently.

She was suddenly pulled into his arms and pressed against his chest.

With the beauty in his arms, he raised his hand and slowly untied the veil on her face.

The voice faded away.

"Have you been bullied?"

"...Huh? No."

She embraced him, leaning her head on his collarbone, rubbing the faint fragrance of his body.

"Is Ah Ling worried about me?"

"..." His Royal Highness remained silent.

He raised her face, lowered his eyes, and looked around.

It is white, white and tender, without scars, just like before leaving the palace.

She had light makeup on her face, but he didn't seem to notice it.

He looked at his face, opened his sleeves and looked at his hands, and checked his whole body.

Probably because he knew that she was not favored at home and was afraid that she would be bullied, so he had to confirm it.

Confirm for yourself.

After confirming, he returned his gaze to her face again.

Only then did he realize that she was staring at him with a smile in her clear eyes.

"So worried about me?"

She asked.

In the past, she was the one who took the initiative. She never thought that one day he would be like this——

Acting like he cared about her so much.

It's very novel, and it's really rare.

(End of this chapter)

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