Chapter 2862 Want to fold (84)

When she left the palace in the past, he wouldn't do this.

They all have a faint expression, it is the same when they leave, and it is the same when they come back.

Only this time...

"..." His Royal Highness, who was stared at by her, had a calm expression.

Instead of showing the embarrassed expression after being teased and teased, he took a step forward and leaned over.

Kiss her straight up, lift her jaw, kiss her straight up.

Outside, he is indifferent and abstinent, so pure-minded that he is almost mistaken for a man with broken sleeves. After closing the door, he is so active that it is overwhelming.

As if he didn't know what shame and shame were, he covered her lips, nibbled, rubbed slowly, and entangled.

He had to leave his breath on her lips, and she couldn't wash it off.

The more proficient it is, the more terrifying it is.

An elegant and gentle rogue.

Hooking her, lips and teeth lingering.

Almost completely forgot the etiquette between men and women.

"..." She blinked, and raised her drooping hands slightly.

He wanted to back away, but he directly wrapped his arms around her waist.

Press it tightly into his arms, like a giant python that eats people, and wraps around it vigorously while eating.

Make the prey unable to break free.

"Hmmm... Palace..."

She was forced to stand on tiptoe, and her hands fell unconsciously on his waist.

With a light touch, his body trembled slightly as if he had been electrocuted.

This world, his waist, seemed to be more sensitive than ever.

She just touched it lightly, and he seemed a little unable to restrain himself.

The lingering and gentle kiss instantly became intense.

His lips and teeth fused together, and his breathing became hotter and hotter.

The strength on the waist became tighter and tighter, and the two pressed against each other tightly.

More and more he has the stance to eat her up.

He was young and full of vigor, no matter how clear-headed he was, it was inevitable that he would be stimulated and lose control.

The person who was kissed obediently with her neck up was forced to stick to him, and soon felt something.

Seeing that he kept pulling her belt and was about to force her to the bed, she realized something was wrong, so she quickly pushed him.

Blushing, avoiding his kiss.

"No...not yet...I...we're not married yet..."

She pushed him, but didn't push him away.

"A Ling, don't—"

The man who was holding her around and was about to lose control stopped for a moment.

Panting heavily, with red lips and black eyes, and deep eyes, staring at her.

It has come to a critical moment.

If he wants to, it is not impossible to force it.


Finally, he stopped moving.

He said sorry in a hoarse voice, but still didn't let go of her.

He just leaned over, lowered his head, and buried it between her snow-white necks.

Constant breathing, low panting.

Force yourself to calm down and not be controlled by the desires in your body.

The feverish hand kept stroking her thin back.

Trying to use that little bit of sweetness to calm down the lust in his heart.

His whole body was burning, and he forcefully forced himself to descend.

It will get out of control, but at the last moment, there is still a little sense.

"Sorry, I went too far."

He pressed against her skin, rolling his Adam's apple, and said hoarsely.

Like a vicious dog that was so hungry that it was about to lose control, it kept licking the fleshy bones in its arms.

Staring at it covetously, the saliva flowed like a waterfall, but he still couldn't eat it.

I can only bear it crazily, lick it, and barely satisfy my craving.

Only at the last moment.

"..." That beautiful and soft person, I don't know how much he wants to eat her.

Seeing that he stopped moving, I felt a little relieved, and touched him, "It's okay."

(End of this chapter)

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