Chapter 2863 Want to fold (85)

As I said before, you can't do it before you get married.

He agreed.

Now is the time to keep your promises.

She smiled and was in a good mood, and even took the initiative to kiss him.

"Your Highness knows what's wrong and just correct it."

She didn't hesitate to praise him, and she praised him when she was happy.

"..." The man who bowed his head and hugged her was silent.

The palm that landed on her back was faintly exerting force.

A pair of dark eyes, lowered and sinking.


She stroked his head and said.




This incident seemed to have stimulated the man who had always done things safely and calmly.

His original plan was to take his time and prepare for the marriage step by step.

Go through the process first, and prepare the rest slowly.

After all, getting married is a major event, and he doesn't want to make hasty preparations and muddle things through.

If you want everything to be perfect, without a single flaw, you have to be patient.

In his vision, it will take at least half a year to prepare for the marriage.

Accept the color, set the auspicious day of the zodiac, grant the golden book, worship the ancestors, tell the world, receive the title...etc.

Every process has to be completed, and time will naturally drag on.

At least half a year, as many as...


I should have had psychological expectations and prepared well, but now...

Once he changed his previous plan, the original concubine selection procedure was simplified a lot.

The tedious and irrelevant etiquette rules are all removed, and the unimportant ones can be simplified.

At an extremely fast speed, an order was issued to determine the candidate for the crown princess.

The imperial decree was sent out on the same day, and the auspicious day for marriage was set the next day.

The speed of the action is jaw-dropping.

According to what he said, the explanation—it is necessary to get married as soon as possible before the death of the father.

The old emperor had been seriously ill for many years, lying on his side in bed, and he didn't even have the strength to get up.

Seeing that the time for him to wake up is getting shorter and shorter, he can't even open his mouth to speak, and he is only fed by the daily medicine, hanging his life.

You never know when it will die.

If you don't hurry up and get married as soon as possible, once the emperor dies, according to the ancestral etiquette, Chu Ling will have to mourn for three years, and no marriage will be allowed in between.

Marriage matters will be put on hold for a long time, until I don't know the Year of the Monkey.

Very valid reason.

Chu Ling was like this, using this extremely legitimate reason to coax his fiancée into cooperating obediently.

Tailored, customized wedding dresses, jewelry, all kinds of jewelry.

The pure and naive fiancée girl, listening to his reasons, did not suspect him, and really believed it.

When she needs to cooperate, she will obediently cooperate.

Cooperate with all matters of the wedding, and sometimes offer to help.

The preparations for the wedding were in full swing, from the hot summer to the cool golden autumn.

The old emperor's health became worse and worse, and he even started to cough up blood.

Each time the dosage of the decoction continued to increase, the symptoms on his body became more and more serious.

Sleeping every day, there is no time to wake up.

His body became thinner and thinner, and he couldn't eat or even drink water.

Just when the imperial physician was finally about to be helpless, Chu Ling and Yun Si got married.

On the day they got married, the old emperor was already dying.

That night, it was the night of weddings and candles in the bridal chamber, and when the beautiful scenery was on a good day, the Chonghua Hall where the old emperor lived, all the imperial physicians knelt in front of the palace.

In the hall, the concubines and concubines of the harem gathered together, crying bitterly.

The palace people bowed their heads in silent mourning, surrounded by the imperial city army.

As soon as the news of the old emperor's death came out, Chu Ling rushed over, not having time to change into the wedding clothes on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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