Chapter 2868 Desire to fold (end)

Facts have proved that, apart from being crazy in some aspects, the lunatic is very restrained and gentle in other aspects.

He will love his wife, knowing that his queen is being bullied and not taken seriously in her natal family, and will help her vent her anger.

Yunhe Zhongriri sent someone to deliver a letter, wanting to see the queen.

A certain lunatic man in his eyes didn't say anything.

But behind the scenes, I had a one-on-one conversation with the somewhat drifting old man.

The two of them didn't know what they said. After the interview, Yun and Zhongan settled down.

Be safe, put your tail away and be a man.

Don't dare to make trouble anymore.

Yun Si was finally at peace.

I only feel sorry for Yun Yanzhang who is far away in the bitter cold place.

A young man who has never suffered before—from childhood to adulthood, a person who would cry for a long time even if he scratched his finger, is standing on the outpost at this moment, drenched in snow and shivering.

It was so cold that he couldn't even cry.

The snot and tears were all frozen, and the fat was rustling all over his body.

His thin-skinned and tender-skinned face was completely red with frostbite.

It was snowing, and the wind on the outpost was so strong and fierce that it hurt people's skin.

The pain was so bad that he couldn't even breathe, and the cold air scratched his throat as soon as he took a breath.

Teeth chattering, throat blocked, full of ice.

Yun Yanzhang whimpered, wanting to cry, but his tears were frozen again.

The soldier next to him looked at him with a weak and motherly look, and swung a whip.

It didn't hurt too much when it hit his thick clothes, but it was very scary and made him shiver.

"Why are you crying?! Focus! Look outside!"

"A big man who cries all day long, at least he is the son of an official, how can he be like this!?"

"...Wow——" Yun Yanzhang, who was so cold that he could barely speak, wanted to cry even more after being scolded by him like this.


He subconsciously wanted to call his mother, but in the next second, he realized that there was no mother or father here.


He began to cry again.

Tears can't come out, I still have to cry.

Weeping loudly, I want to compare the volume with the wind.


The captain was impatient, and swept over with another whip, "Damn it! Are you still crying!?"


"To shut up!"


"Still crying!? Shut up the fuck!!?"


It is called Tiantian not working, and the earth is not working.

At this time, Father Yun and Mica, who were far away in the imperial city, faced each other and sighed.

The new emperor has already spoken, if they dare to take advantage of the status of the head of the state, cooperate with the queen to participate in the government, and influence his decision-making, he will have to consider how many people in the Yun family should survive.

The new emperor is strong, and even more suspicious, and cannot tolerate the existence of half a grain of sand in his eyes.

It was discovered that they wanted to use the queen to intercede, and it even touched the new emperor's bad luck.

For the sake of the lives of the whole family, Father Yun, Yunmu, no matter how much she loves her son, she will not dare to mess around again.

I had to stay in the ancestral hall at home, praying that my poor son could go through hardships and return safely.

Be strong on your own.

"Zhang'er, you have to be good."

Mica knelt in the ancestral hall and said with tears.

"Mom—quickly save me—"

At the outpost, Yun Yanzhang, whose eyes were swollen from crying, shouted towards the east.

Trying in vain to be heard by people far away in the sky.


Countless times in the past, as long as he yelled like this, his mother would run over immediately, love him and save him.

Obviously it should be like this.

Just this time...


He was heartbroken.


(End of this chapter)

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