About Chu Ling's first bed climbing.




Late at night, already midnight.

Dark clouds covered the moon and stars in the sky.

It was the dead of night, and it was raining outside the window, the cool rain, splashing.

The rain fell on the eaves and gurgled down the eaves.

Drop by drop, like a silk thread strung with crystal jade beads, it dripped to the ground.

Outside the palace, it was foggy.

Like a hazy dream, it is quiet and the sound of rain is clear.

The slightly opened window was propped up, and the light in the hall was as bright as daylight.

Looking carefully at the past, only looking inside, it was as cold and peaceful as usual.

There was no sound, only the soft rustling sound of writing.

Under the warm light, the cold white figure kept writing.




I don't know how long it took, but the rain outside became heavier and heavier.

In the dead of night, with the rain hitting the window sill, it was time to lie on the bed and rest and sleep peacefully.

On the imperial platform, when the quiet and pale figure stopped writing, the little man beside him who had been accompanying him had already fallen asleep.

With his little head down, he leaned against the edge of his chair, like a chicken pecking at rice.

Can fall asleep even standing up.

There was the sound of shallow breathing, and the little face was buried in the shadow, only the red mouth was exposed.

Like brightly colored candy dipped in honey.

It was quiet, as if he had fallen asleep.

It looks cute and painful.

The young man who had finished handling government affairs, put down his pen and looked sideways.

Looking at her, his eyes were dark.

It was raining outside, and the sound of the rain was getting louder, beating the eaves crackling.

It was noisy, but it didn't wake her up.

The limp little body leaned against the chair, seeing that his head was getting more and more crooked, and he was about to hit it.

The next second, a warm and pale hand gently supported her.

Collisions are then avoided.

The little man who fell asleep was really sleepy and slept soundly.

Being supported, and the familiar and pleasant smell was by her side, she subconsciously rubbed against it.

He snorted twice, like a kitten acting like a spoiled child.

Falling asleep knowing nothing, not knowing - a line of sight has been falling on her.

Quietly, staring silently.

The dark eyes, the mood is dark and unclear.




Outside the hall, it was raining and the wind was blowing. The wind was cool, with the chill of early autumn.

It's cool and chilly.

The bean-sized raindrops fell on the ground, and there were layers of water splashes at the splashes.

Eunuch Zheng, who was watching at night, couldn't help but rubbed his arms, looked at the dark sky outside, and muttered: "It's getting cold, it's time to add more clothes..."


As he was speaking, the closed palace door opened behind him.

The spring-like temperature in the hall hit, dissipating a few traces of chill brought by the wind.

When Eunuch Zheng heard the sound, he turned his head, "Dian—"

The person who came out of the inside glanced at him, still holding the person in his arms, covered with a cloak, and seemed to be asleep.

Eunuch Zheng fell silent immediately.

After realizing something, he very sensiblely picked up the umbrella from the side, opened it, and put it on his head.

After all, this is not the first time.

Several times before, Mr. Yun fell asleep, and His Highness always did this, sending him back.

Eunuch Zheng, who was getting used to it gradually, didn't dare to say anything, so he had to serve him wholeheartedly.

Help hold the umbrella and follow behind.

Dark night, heavy rain.

The young man with the person in his arms, even though he was a little limping, could still walk steadily.

Walk slowly to prevent slipping.

The cloak tightly wrapped the person in his arms.

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