Chapter 2878 Love (8)

Thin and not very tall.

I don't comb my hair or take care of it, and my face looks at...

I can't see clearly either.

He kept his head down, against the wall.

His head was almost lowered to the ground.

Looking at temperament alone, compared with other people in her shop...

It's not even a star.

Her vision has always been high, and the requirements for men-both body and face are indispensable.

That's it...

She really doesn't like it.

do not know either……

How could she like it?

Gu Ge turned his head and looked at the beautiful man sitting on the sofa in a remote place.

Drunk and lazy.

She remained silent, and Cheng Xiaodong, who was accompanying her, winked at the young man standing against the wall with special insight.

Tell him to come over, according to what he said outside - he went over to toast the big benefactor with a glass of wine, answered a few words well, and returned the clothes to him.

"..." The thin man with his head down didn't receive his gaze at all.

His skinny and dry hands were clenched into fists, tightly clenched.

His blackened eyes stared at the ground, and his bloodless lower lip was tight.

It seems that they completely forgot the agreement reached before entering the door.

Once in, it stands like a stupid log.

Dumb, indifferent.

Under the fat and wide trousers, you can see his skinny legs.

His knees trembled slightly, but he never bent down and stood up straight.

Silent for a long time.

"Yun Si, is this the person you fancy?"

Among the rich ladies who often played together, one of them made a sound and laughed.

Obviously with a bit of ridicule, secretly belittled.

"It seems that your vision is not very good. I thought that your standard of picking men is very high."

She clinked glasses with someone who obviously had a good time with her, and laughed along with her.

"Maybe it's because Sister Si Si has seen too many handsome ones, and she got tired of watching them, so she changed her taste."

"Eat too much fish and meat, and occasionally want to eat porridge and side dishes, it's human nature."

"That's it..." She looked at Lin Xiaosheng's figure, and said ambiguously, "Too thin, so thin, will it be... just one time, it won't satisfy our Sisi..."


Being judged by each of them, the thin and silent boy clenched his fists tighter and tighter.

Like a wolf who has been humiliated and is about to be enraged.

He raised his head slightly, and under the dim and charming light, the lower half of his face without much meat was exposed.

White like malnutrition, pale lips a little chapped.

Tight, the eyes hidden under the broken hair were dark and fierce.

Thin as a stick, seemingly weak, a wild wolf that can't bear to bark, will bite when cornered.

Showing his sharp teeth, he bit down hard.

He was looking at the two people who were talking, staring straight at them, his eyes looked a little scary.

It seemed as if he was going to go up and break the necks of the two of them in the next second, so that they could no longer make a sound.

On the remote sofa, Yun Si, who was quietly watching him while playing with a wine glass, raised her cold and bright eyes lightly.

His eyes fell on him, and his pale pink fingertips tapped the cup stem, as if he was thinking about something.

Others taunted her in a strange way, but she didn't seem to hear it either.

After thinking for a moment, he got up.

"Gu Ge, I'm leaving first."

The host was Gu Ge, so she just greeted her.

Pick up the bag and walk towards the door.

The young man who looked at her subconsciously, but before he could react, his hand was pulled.

Just pull it away.

(End of this chapter)

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