Chapter 2879 Love (9)

Pulled outside the door, as soon as the door closed, he was pressed against the wall next to him.

The wall-dong pose that only appears in idol dramas, when it first appeared on him——

For a moment, his brain froze.

Behind him is a cold and hard wall, and in front of him is a strange woman who he almost met.

He reflexively wanted to push her away, but as soon as his hand touched her soft skin, he immediately withdrew it as if it was burning.

The original vicious and frightening eyes turned into bewilderment and panic like a deer.

A little flustered, subconsciously wanted to back away.

I can't wait to retreat into the wall.

"Little...Miss...I...I don't drink with you—"

The innocent ears are red.

Hidden under the hair, the ears that should have been inconspicuous were almost brushed and turned red.


"I don't do it—you don't—"

An unbelievably beautiful woman with rich red lips and whiter skin than snow.

Like the cold and beautiful black enchantress in the dark night, she slowly approached him.

The fragrance is intoxicating and the breath is light.

Her rosy lips parted slightly, as if she had smiled.

The beauty is full of aggression, a pair of clear eyes, soul-stirring.

"What if I want you to accompany me?"

In the empty corridor, she and he just stood in increasingly ambiguous postures.

The posture of a close lover is faint, and it has the meaning of a bully molesting a good woman and man.

She approached him, but he turned his face away, not daring to look at her.

She was so pure that she didn't dare to touch her, she clenched her fists tightly with her hands and placed them on her chest.

His whole body collapsed into a line, and he almost forgot to breathe.

With closed eyes, exposed ears that were almost cooked, the voice was stumbling.

"No...don't accompany...I don't..."

A tendon is a tendon, and it will not change easily.

Stick to the bottom line and never waver.

"..." The person who was thumping him on the wall pursed his lips with interest.

Looking at his steadfast and unyielding appearance, he would rather die than obey...

Bad taste came up.

She was always bullied in her previous life, and finally...

"Don't accompany me..."

She looked at his face that was completely flushed, and his whole body was steaming, so hot that she couldn't stop it.

With a stomach full of bad water, she slowly reached out and covered his ears.

He trembled almost instantly.

Like an electric shock, trembling.

The villain who watched his reaction, just like that, sighed in regret.

Gently touching his face, kissed him.

"Then, you take me home..."

With his eyes closed, he could feel the hot air blowing from his ears.

As if on purpose, she kept blowing, and she said softly, "Send me home, I don't need you to accompany me, how about it?"


The person being molested doesn't know if she did it on purpose.

At this moment, he was very hot all over, as if being scorched by charcoal fire.

There is an inexplicable feeling in the chest, as if it exploded, crackling and rampaging.

Tell his mind to go blank.

Flustered, overwhelmed.

Want to calm down, want to escape this feeling of losing control as soon as possible.

He was short of breath, trying to calm down and restore his former calmness, but he couldn't.

She is in control of the initiative, he is passive, and can only endure this sense of unreasonable madness and surge of desire.

Maybe it's because I'm too innocent, and I haven't had such close contact with the opposite sex;
Or maybe it's because her methods of teasing people are too superb, and she grasps the scale when she wants to tease people but does not tease them.

It's impulsive.

He tried his best to avoid it, just wanting to get out of this state that was about to lose control.

"...Okay...Okay...I promise you...I promise you whatever you retreat one after another..."

(End of this chapter)

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