Chapter 2889 Love (19)


He opened his eyes slightly and retorted.

"is it?"

She smiled and helped him dry his hair.

Like not believing.

After cleaning up, she pressed him on the bed, covered the quilt, and turned off the lights.

Then, she got into his arms familiarly.

Hugged his obviously stiff body, kissed, rubbed.

"Good night."

I didn't tease him anymore.

I found a good position in his arms, and when I was comfortable, I closed my eyes.

There is no other provocative move, An An'an.

Seems to be really just sleeping—

Simply sleep, no kidding.

In the darkness, Lin Xiaosheng was like a rusty robot, hard and abnormally hot.

My limbs were stiff, I didn't know where to put my hands, and I didn't know how to lie down.

Hugged by the soft and fragrant person, he was obviously stiff.

The raised arm does not know where it landed.

Back and forth a few times, still don't know where to put it.

It was the one who found a comfortable position, aware of his helplessness.

She took his hand, put his hand on her back, and put it away.

"Just hold it here."

She buried her in his fragrance-filled arms, and said softly.

The man with a stiff body remained silent.

The hand that landed on her back was loose, and she didn't dare to use force at all.

Just like that, let it go gently.

Make a fist and always be a gentleman.

Don't dare to mess around.

Yun Si could feel his restraint, and knew that the distance was too close, and he must not be used to it for a while.

She rubbed against him and patted his back.

"Go to sleep, don't be nervous, good night."


How could he possibly sleep?

Sleeping in the same bed with the opposite sex for the first time——

No, it's the second time.

He didn't feel sleepy at the moment, the air conditioner was on in the room, but he was very hot.

The heart was on fire, burning crackling and uncontrollable.

Even the blood is boiling, and the hotness spreads throughout the body through the blood vessels.

It can almost burn the whole body.

He wondered if other people would feel the same way when sleeping with the opposite sex.

My heart was throbbing too much, and I was so excited that I wanted to do something at this moment.

It was as if the stimulation had awakened the sleeping beast, waking up from the silence, and rampaging through the body.

Breathing fire, uncomfortably hot, just want to find an outlet to vent.

Let all the anger out.

The person in his arms was heartless, said good night, and soon fell asleep.

Limbs hung around him, hugging.

I was comfortable and slept peacefully, I didn't feel the heat all over his body at all, and I didn't know his forbearance.

His breathing was heavy, listening to her long and shallow sound of falling asleep, the hand on her back finally lost that forbearing gentlemanly look.

Through the thin fabric, slowly, slowly, rubbing, hugging tightly, hugging tightly again.

Knowing that she was asleep, she was a little out of control.

Instinctively, she turned sideways, stroked her hair, and rubbed her soft and delicate waist.

Breathing low, rational, once ran away.

He didn't know why this woman was so attractive to him, so much that she didn't need to do anything to tug at his heartstrings.

She was all on his mind, calling him—

For the first time, I had that kind of instinctive desire of a man for a woman.


is the second time.

... must be because he is crazy.

He's crazy for that.

He closed his eyes and hugged her tightly.

His thin hands caressed her neck, he lowered his head, and pressed his lips against her forehead.


He's crazy...he's really crazy...

The only reason is to tell him like this.

(End of this chapter)

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