Chapter 2890 Love (20)

During this time, Wen Ruyue discovered——

Her brother Xiaosheng seems to have changed.

My hair was suddenly cut one day, and it became neat and tidy, and it looked much better.

A few more sets of clothes, and a backpack.

The cyan under the eyes became lighter, and there seemed to be more flesh on the face.

The whole person has changed.

A little more spirit.

Although it is subtle, it can be detected after a little observation.

The most important thing is - in the recent period, Wen Ruyue discovered that he didn't even go back to the orphanage.

After finishing work every day, I leave with my bag on my back.

I don't go back to the orphanage, and I don't live in the dormitory where I work.

He is often not seen at night, and only during the day, when she is in the hospital, can she meet him.

Wen Ruyue was a little worried about him, afraid that he would really do something bad.

When she met him again in the hospital, she chased him and asked:
"Brother Xiaosheng, where have you lived recently?"

"It's to find a new job. Does the new job have a dormitory?"

"Recently, I don't see you going back to live in the courtyard. Have you found a new place? Where do you live? Do you want rent? Is the rent expensive?"

She was worried about him, so she kept asking.

But for some reason, Lin Xiaosheng refused to answer this question.

He only said: "There is a new residence, the address is not convenient to disclose."

Answering is tantamount to not answering.

"..." Wen Ruyue was dissatisfied, and pestered him, insisting on giving him a position.

"Brother, just tell me, I won't bother you, I just want to know the exact location, in case there is any urgent matter later, I can find you as soon as possible..."

"There is a mobile phone." He said concisely.

Wen Ruyue choked, "Then... then in case you didn't receive it—"

"Send a text message."


Why is he so stubborn? ? ?

Wen Ruyue saw that he didn't reveal anything, and wanted to know even more.

Since he doesn't say...

Wen Ruyue rolled her eyes.

Then don't blame her...




That night, Lin Xiaosheng got off work and left with his bag on his back as usual.

Go to the bus stop, wait for the bus, and get on the bus.

At night, the rush hour of traffic flow has passed.

The bus was driving on the road, stopping and going, passing several stops one after another.

Twenty minutes later, the bus stopped in front of a high-end apartment complex in the city center.

Lin Xiaosheng stood up and was about to get off the car.

Suddenly, he seemed to notice something and turned around.

Just watching, in the empty car, in the last row, a figure shrank under the seat in an instant.

The reaction is fast and the action is also fast.

It's just that it's faster than human eyes.

Lin Xiaosheng frowned.

Obviously, he recognized who was following him.

He is carrying a bag and looking outside the car.

It's time for him to get off at the station, it's just...

For some unknown reason, he closed his eyes and sat down again.

Did not get off.

Leave the doors closed and the site missed.

The figure in the last row was following him, covering his thumping heart, and raised his head furtively.

Seeing the back figure who was still sitting there, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief and patted her chest.

"so far so good……"

He was not found.

She pushed down her hat and was about to sit back slowly in her chair.

Suddenly, her cell phone vibrated, and there was a new message.

Wen Ruyue took out her phone while peeking at him.

As soon as I opened it, I found that the new message was sent by him.

It is short, but it can reveal his displeasure——

Get off at the next stop, don't follow me.

She was stunned.

At the same time, the person sitting in front turned his head, his dark eyes were exceptionally calm.

(End of this chapter)

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