Chapter 2894 Love (24)

"Tell me, why?"

"..." His dark eyes stared at her white hands, and he didn't speak.

The light eyelashes drooped, and the lips were slightly pursed.

"Huh?" She squeezed his hard hand.

Leaning on his shoulder, with the other arm around his waist.

Clear eyes, close to skin.

A very natural gesture of intimacy.

The movements are close, and even the heart is also close.

Heartbeat, without knowing it.

"..." Lin Xiaosheng's eyes moved aside.

Being stuck by her, even if there is an unknown breath in his chest, it is difficult to stop the heat on his face.

The base of the ear is getting hot uncontrollably, and the skin of the face is also heating up.

There was a faint redness, as if shy.

They easily huddled together, trying to cover up their awkward emotions so that no one would notice.

He didn't look at her, and twisted the held hand, trying to break free.

", I'm not angry."

He is not such a small-minded person, how could he be angry?
He tried his best to keep calm, wanting to return to his normal self-sufficient appearance.

It's just that the small gesture of not daring to look at her exposed his extraordinarily youthful and innocent side.

Simple as white paper, in terms of the relationship between men and women.

"I just... I was reading a book, not angry."

He broke free from her hand and picked up the pen in a hurry.

Being hugged by her like this, he lost his anger and returned to his previous innocent dog appearance.

Stupid and foolish, no heart.

He would secretly look at her from time to time.

"Yesterday, that's all for now."

He grabbed the pen and pointed to a page in the textbook.

After saying this dryly, he stopped talking.

Staring at the books on the table, as if waiting for her, waiting for her to speak.

I'm used to her teaching him, but I haven't noticed it yet.

unconsciously waiting.

Yun Si leaned on his shoulder, slightly closed her eyes, and stared at him.

The red lips fluttered lightly.

"Are you really angry?"

Just now I saw that he was still angry, why now... it seems that he is not angry anymore?

She hasn't had time to do anything yet.

I thought she was going to coax him a little bit.

"...Hmm." He grabbed the pen, and the shoulder that was leaned on was obviously stiff.

But he didn't push her away, he just blushed and stared quietly at the books on the table.

Like a docile dog waiting for its owner to teach it personally.

Looking inexplicably good.

Tail drooping, silly and silly.

Looking at it makes people want to kiss him.

Yun Si has always done whatever she wants, and if she wants to kiss, she really does.

A kiss on the cheek, and another kiss on the mouth.

Just one kiss is not enough, so I kissed several times.

Too overbearing.

After successfully seeing a silly dog ​​who was about to be familiar with it, she wished she could shrink herself up, she laughed and patted his head.

Only then did he show kindness and let him go.

He picked up another pen next to him and twirled it casually.

"Do you still remember the knowledge points I talked about last night?"

"..." The blushing innocent dog seemed to have not yet reacted from the kiss just now.

After being shy for a few seconds, she looked at her with a blank look in her eyes, "What?"

The man who didn't change his face after playing the hooligan leaned slightly against the table.

Propping his elbows, he curled his lips to look at him, and repeated, "Do you still remember the knowledge points from last night?"

Calm down for a second, like a scumbag.

Obviously, she was still kissing him one second ago, but in the next second, she turned her head and talked about cold knowledge points.

The switch was too fast, and there was no chance for people to react in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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