Chapter 2895 Love (25)

"..." The silly dog, whose heartbeat was so fast that he couldn't control it, looked at her silently.

There is obviously no emotion in the eyes, but it just gives people a sense of depression.

It's like being left out, pitiful.


He didn't say anything, just answered her question in a low voice.

In the end it was dull, he hadn't figured out what was wrong with him yet.

In front of her, how could the emotional ups and downs be so great——

A few words can make him happy for a while and unhappy for a while.

For a while, my face was red and hot, and for a while, my heart felt lost and inexplicably depressed.

Obviously, in normal times, he would not behave like this in front of other people.

Obviously, he considers himself a calm and sober person, not one who is prone to emotional ups and downs.

He didn't want to understand, and he didn't know where to think.

Only faintly, I can feel something——

I can feel that something is out of control.

More and more out of control.

what is it then……

He was at a loss.




Maybe it's a habit.

A silent room at night.

Lonely man and widow, living in the same room.

Gradually get close.

getting closer.

Getting close becomes a habit.

Invisible habits.

Habits are a terrible thing.

The moment Lin Xiaosheng walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower, what he subconsciously looked for was the figure he was getting used to.

I didn't even realize it.

Find it subconsciously.

No one could be seen in the bedroom, so he walked out with wet hair.

Just in time, I ran into someone who was about to walk in from outside the door.

As soon as the two met, the person outside the door who was going to collect the clean towel stood on tiptoe, covered his head with the towel familiarly, and wiped it off.

Wearing a pure white nightdress, with disheveled hair and lively eyebrows and eyes.

"What are you doing here? Are you looking for me?"

She smiled lazily, teasing him.

She always likes to tease him, tickle him, flirt with him, let him go.

You have to make people blush before you give up.

Not bad.

Lin Xiaosheng lowered his head slightly and looked at her.

not talking.

Obviously, he was used to her drying his hair.

He will also lower his head to cooperate.

She teased him, but he retorted subconsciously, "No, no...I didn't."

"No? Then you came out because..."

"I... I'm thirsty and I want to drink water."

He stammered a bit.

"Ah..." She seemed to believe it, nodded, with a smile on her lips, "Drink water..."

After speaking, the stuttering man remembered that there was water in the room.

Sometimes the two of them kiss too much at night, their lips become dry, and they need to reduce the fire. He often needs to get up to drink water to cool himself down.

Therefore, there is a cold water bottle in the bedroom. When you are thirsty, you can pour it out and drink a little to reduce your anger and prevent yourself from losing control.

This is something both of them know.

As stupid as he is, he can't make up the reason well.

The words came out without thinking.

"..." He grabbed her wrist unnaturally, trying to tell her to listen and explain, "I...I want to drink hot water."

Still clumsily looking for reasons, trying to get back on track.

The person in front of him who listened to his reasoning nodded seriously and smiled, "Okay, okay, I know you want to drink hot water."

"Hey, let's go after drying your hair."

Like coaxing a child.

It looks like a letter.

But it's clear that I don't believe it.

The stupid man stopped talking.

Her cheeks were slightly flushed, and I don't know if it was because the bath water was too hot and she was steamed red, or because of something else.

(End of this chapter)

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