Chapter 2896 Love (26)

He said so many mistakes, he simply shut up.

Yun Si grabbed his hand and pulled him back to wipe his hair.

He sat quietly by the bed, looking down at her.

Putting his hands on his lap, he inadvertently touched her soft skirt.

Her knee was pressed against his calf, and the two of them faced each other, and they were so close that they could smell her particularly pleasant fragrance.

Mixed with the light fragrance of shower gel, it got into his nostrils.

Tell him to do nothing, just sit quietly, his heart beating so fast.

Plop - plop - plop -

The dance is extraordinarily strong.

His chest vibrated, and nameless emotions surged.

No one spoke in the bedroom, and there was a sudden silence.

In such a quiet and inexplicably warm environment, his eyelids were drooping, his slender fingers were slightly bent.

He could feel his restlessness, even if he didn't do anything, the people in front of him didn't tease him.

Just getting along so simply and warmly can make him feel——


He was taken aback suddenly.


How could he feel—

He didn't know how he thought of the word, how he felt this way.

Obviously, they are just the relationship between the creditor and the debtor.

Maybe it was because he had just taken a shower and the water was too hot, making his mind dizzy.

As if drinking alcohol that night, dizzy and mushy.

I can't turn it, and I don't know how to turn it.

That's why he had such absurd idea.

It was so absurd that he subconsciously denied it.

"certainly not……"

He suddenly muttered to himself.

Thinking wildly, my mind was in a mess, but I spoke out the words of rebuttal in my heart.

The person who was drying his hair and was about to collect the towels tilted his head when he heard his voice.

"Not what?"

Only then did he come back to his senses, realizing that he had just said it.


She doesn't know how to lie, she clearly has something, but she doesn't want her to know.

With a flustered expression, he looked up at her, then quickly lowered his head.

Sitting upright, in front of her, like a primary school student.

Obediently, stick your neck.

"I... I didn't think about anything."

While denying it, there is a feeling that there is no silver 300 taels here.

Silly and sweet one.

Hidden will not hide.


She collected the towel, hugged it, and squinted slightly.

"Why... are you thinking of bad things?"


"Really?" She pinched his ears, making his already red ears even redder.


"Aren't you thinking about how to escape?"


His ears were pinched, and his subconscious reaction was to hide instead of resist.

Feeling hot, he grabbed her with sweat-stained hands and whispered, "I don't."

This is really not.

Even though she was indeed domineering and rascal sometimes, he never thought of running away.

He won't run, and he doesn't want to.

As for the reason...

Maybe it's because of responsibility.

His mind was in a mess in this regard, and he gave an answer indiscriminately before he could figure anything out.

That's it, answer yourself simply and rudely.

"You... don't be angry."

He grabbed her wrist with slightly sweaty hands, covered with heat, which could reveal a little tension in his heart.

Wen Tun's innocent temperament is like a blank sheet of paper, so it's easy to bully.

It makes people want to bully.

"I didn't think so." He said dryly.

"I was just... just thinking about something else."

(End of this chapter)

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