Chapter 2903 Love (33)

But, this time, when the door was gently closed——

On the shoe cabinet in the entrance, lay an access control card quietly.

Remains warm.

The remaining temperature gradually cooled down.

No more temperature.




After solving Song Tingguang's trouble, when Yun Si came back, the apartment was empty.

he's gone.

Yun Si stood at the entrance, looked at the access control card on the cabinet, remained silent, her brows slightly frowned.

Without people, the apartment seemed to lose its original warmth.

The warm and beautiful atmosphere dissipated.

At this moment, everything has become deserted.

Terribly quiet.

Not a sound.

After closing the door, Yun Si entered the bedroom.

His clothes were taken away and gone, not even his only backpack.

I didn't take anything with me, only my clothes.

She was so angry that she left without giving her a chance to explain.

Yun Si leaned against the cloakroom, looking at the empty cabinet that was supposed to hold his clothes.

He took out his phone and dialed his number.

"Beep-beep-sorry, the user you dialed is busy, please try again later-"

"..." He didn't even answer the phone.

In the past, he never would not answer her calls.

Yun Si looked at the phone and tried a few more times.

Still can't get through, still busy.

She slowly put down the phone.

While thinking about what to do next, the phone suddenly vibrated.

There's a new message, and it's from him.

In a simple sentence——

Do not contact me in the future.

The short text seems endlessly cold.

There is no trace of humanity to speak of.

Just like that, extremely simple and rude, I want to break off the relationship with her.

From then on, we will be like strangers, each going our own way.

"..." Yun Si looked at the screen quietly.




In the past few days, Wen Ruyue discovered that there seemed to be something wrong with her Brother Xiaosheng——

Or rather, extremely abnormal.

There is no expression at work, and when you come, you will do the dirtiest and most tiring work.

When the restaurant delivery van came, he moved it up and down, non-stop, like crazy.

Others told him to rest, but he did not.

Like a bull, he worked desperately, moving tables, mopping the floor, and washing dishes.

The face was rapidly haggard visible to the naked eye, and the flesh that had grown with great difficulty had shriveled again in just a few days.

The blood in the eyes is getting more and more, and the dark circles are getting heavier.

Don't shave the beard when it grows, let it grow.

It was as if the soul had been sucked out of the whole person, living like a corpse, his eyes were cold and numb.

Not a ray of light, black as dead ashes.

Wen Ruyue tried to talk to him, but he either didn't answer, or answered a few words.

He said he was fine, but Wen Ruyue didn't believe it at all.

People who have nothing to do will seem to be dazed, sitting there when they are not at work, staring at their mobile phones, motionless, and can't hear others calling?
People who have nothing to do will stay up in the middle of the night, as if they have been sucked out of their souls, sitting outside, with their limbs curled up, sitting stupidly all night?

He is not good at drinking, but when he is resting, he will buy cheap, spicy and unpalatable liquor, and drink himself crazily.

One bottle after another, without talking after drinking.

Unshaven and drunk.

Go find yourself a corner and sit like a sloppy drunk.

Wen Ruyue wanted to help him, but he told her to go away and leave him alone.

The whole shrinks, immersed in his own world.


If you force him to help him, he will be on the alert.

Like an enraged wild lion, he swung his fist.

(End of this chapter)

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