Chapter 2904 Love (34)

Wen Ruyue tried several times, but after being pushed to the ground, she didn't dare to touch him again.

I had no choice but to persuade him nicely and angrily.

Seeing all this strangely in her eyes, she was anxious as she looked, but also anxious in her heart.

But he didn't say anything.

No matter how she asked, he only answered: He is fine. could it be good? !
Wen Ruyue was terribly worried.

If he continues like this - he doesn't eat well, doesn't sleep well, works hard, and drinks himself all day long.

Torturing himself like this like crazy, sooner or later something will happen.

Wen Ruyue was in a hurry, trying to find out what happened to him——

What the hell happened—to make him suffer so much.

In other words, let him feel that it doesn't matter to torture himself like this, and it's fine to just die like this.

Obviously, he was not like this before.


Wen Ruyue, who had nowhere to go, suddenly thought of someone——

Cheng Xiaodong, Brother Xiaodong.

Lin Xiaosheng's anomaly seemed to have started from the day he went to find Cheng Xiaodong.

After that day, he would often be in a daze, not talking, and not going back to the orphanage at night.

There are changes, but change is good.

Become more energetic, often, will laugh unconsciously.

Smiling very young and shy, innocent big boy with light in his eyes.

Treat yourself better, often add meat to eat, and read a book by yourself when you are resting, especially serious.

He said that he would continue his studies and take the university entrance exam.

When he said this, he didn't know what he thought of, and his eyes were smiling.

Like the sunshine in spring, inexplicably gentle.

with temperature.

but now--

Wen Ruyue looked at the man who got drunk again and huddled in the corner of the dining room.

He was drunk, squatting, head down.


I stopped studying, and I stopped taking college exams.

Smells of alcohol, drunk.

His wrist was swollen, he was injured when he was moving things two days ago, and his joint was sprained, but he ignored it.

Wen Ruyue kindly wanted to apply the ointment for him, but he avoided it.

Even though his hands were swollen and black.

It's like feeling no pain.

It's out of shape, and I ignore it.

Wen Ruyue looked distressed and worried.

He once told her - don't mind his business, his own business, don't need her to do it.

But in this situation...

Wen Ruyue just wanted to let it go.

It was impossible for her to watch him torture herself to death.

There was no way, she found Cheng Xiaodong's cell phone number from the cell phone address book.

Walked outside the restaurant, found a quiet place, and dialed.


It took a long time to get through.


When Cheng Xiaodong connected, his voice was still full of sleepiness.

As if woken up by her.

It's three o'clock in the afternoon, and he's still sleeping.

Lying on the bed, before she woke up, she called.

When he called, his tone was anxious.

"Hello, Brother Xiaodong."

"... um... is there something wrong?"

"Brother Xiaodong, I want to ask you, what happened to Brother Xiaosheng looking for you that day?"

"..." There was no sound on the phone for a while.

"Hello? Brother Xiaodong?"

"...Well, I'm listening, you say."

"It's like this." Wen Ruyue turned her head and glanced in the direction of the restaurant, "Since I came back that day, I feel that brother Xiaosheng is a little weird, but... I can't say it."

"In short, I just feel that something happened, but I asked him, but he didn't say anything, and he didn't answer me anyway, so let me ask you, you should know something, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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