Chapter 2905 Love (35)

"..." The sound of the quilt being turned came from the phone.

"What happened that night, Lin Xiaosheng...didn't he tell you?"

Wen Ruyue heard: "What's the matter?"

"This..." Cheng Xiaodong's tone became a little hesitant, "I don't know how to say this...should I tell you? Don't you like him? If I tell you feels a little bad. "

"What? What's the matter? Tell me quickly, it's okay, I can accept it, I'll listen. "

Hearing his tone, Wen Ruyue became more anxious.

"You said, it's okay."

"Er..." Cheng Xiaodong hesitated, "I can tell you, but you have to tell me, what is Lin Xiaosheng doing strangely?"

"Is it... a few days ago I was happy, I looked in a good mood every day, and then one day... my mood fell to the bottom?"

He tried to describe.

"...!? How do you know?!" Wen Ruyue was surprised, "You know what happened, don't you?!"

"..." I probably know it.

Cheng Xiaodong cleared his throat, "Just...nothing happened."

He said: "On that day, he came to see me, you also know that I work in a bar, there are many rich people in the bar, and then...coincidentally, he was spotted by a rich lady. "

Wen Ruyue was taken aback, "What...what do you mean?"

"Huh? Don't you understand? Lin Xiaosheng was attracted by that rich lady, and the two walked away hand in hand."

He said: "If I guessed correctly, I was happy a few days ago because he was taken care of by a rich lady, and the two got along well."

"Let me tell you, that rich lady is really good. She looks super invincible and good-looking, that kind—you can't describe her good-looking, she is at the level of a super goddess. I'll go, and I'm super excited when I see it."

"The point is, you know, she's still very rich. It's said that she's super rich. This time, the dean's grandma's medical bills can be paid in one night. It's obvious that she paid for it. Lin Xiaosheng coaxed her. Then Naturally, the hundreds of thousands of medical expenses are not worrying about."

"But... Lin Xiaosheng is just like that. It's just a moment of luck. The rich lady played with him for a few days and felt tired, so naturally she didn't want him. Therefore, he has been in a low mood for the past few days, so he may accept it. No."

"Oh, but it's okay. It's not a big deal. You just need to comfort him. Without this one, there's the next one... He may also be young and hasn't experienced it yet. He will experience more in the future. Now, I will get used to it naturally, and I won’t be so sad..."

"..." Wen Ruyue didn't listen to what he was saying later.

At this moment, she was holding the mobile phone, as if she was suffering from tinnitus, and there was a sharp and buzzing sound in her ears.

For a split second, she could barely hear anything.

In my ears, only those words echoed——

He was taken care of by a rich lady...he was taken care of by a rich lady...he was taken care of by a rich lady...

She opened her mouth, but no matter what, she couldn't make a sound.

The vocal cords seemed to be blocked by someone, and he kept trying to speak, but couldn't.

In my mind, something vaguely collapsed in an instant.

Completely collapsed.

" take care of?"

She spoke out amid endless difficulties.

The voice is jerky.

"He...was he taken care of?"

(End of this chapter)

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