Chapter 2906 Love (36)

"What? You don't believe it?"

On the phone, Cheng Xiaodong seemed to stretch his waist, "Ahh... I didn't quite believe it at first."

"He was quite resolute in his mouth. When he came to me before, he said he would not do such a thing. I almost believed it at the time."

"But... who knows? Who knows that it just so happened that a young, beautiful and rich lady fell in love with him."

"Honestly speaking, it's normal for him to change his mind. That lady is really hard to refuse. She's pretty, which man wouldn't like it?"

There was no sound on the phone, and Wen Ruyue remained silent.

Cheng Xiaodong knew at a glance that it was difficult for her to accept it at the moment—it was difficult to accept that the person she liked was being taken care of by others.

Such a thing that destroys the three views actually happened to the person she likes.

It is normal to have a broken worldview.

He smiled and comforted him: "Don't think too much about it, the rich lady kicked him out now, so he is no longer there."

"Taking advantage of his momentary disappointment, if you hurry up to comfort him, you may be able to take advantage of it."

"..." Wen Ruyue squeezed the phone tightly.

He didn't know whether to put on a cry or a smile on his face.


At this moment, she couldn't laugh at all, and covered her head, "No, no, I don't believe it."

"Brother Xiaosheng, how could he be willing to be - no, it's impossible."

She and he grew up together, and she knew what he was like.

Poor but principled.

How could this kind of person who insists on one thing and never violates his own principles be willing to—

"As long as there is money, enough money, then everything in the world is possible."

Cheng Xiaodong said: "Sister, you are still too young to understand the charm of money."

"'s impossible—"

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Lin Xiaosheng yourself, and see how he answers you—"

Before he finished speaking, his phone was hung up.

At this moment, Cheng Xiaodong, who was lying on the bed, looked at his phone.


He shook his head, sighed, and looked like someone who had come here.

"too young……"




Holding the mobile phone, Wen Ruyue rushed into the restaurant and the lounge at the back.

It's break time, and there are others in the break room.

Wen Ruyue rushed in, never thinking that the drunk man just now was not there.

She missed it.

In the lounge, someone reminded: "He seems to be going in the direction of the back door."

Wen Ruyue immediately ran to the back door of the restaurant.

Behind the restaurant is a large open-air courtyard, propped up by parasols, exposed to the hot sun.

The heat was unbearable.

It was the time of rest, and there were no guests in the open-air courtyard.

When Wen Ruyue came here, she immediately saw the person sitting by the wall.

He hugged his legs and lowered his hands. There was still a bottle of wine beside his hands.

I got drunk too much, and I couldn't sit still.

From time to time, I had to prop myself up and let myself sit against a wall.

Wen Ruyue looked at him like this, and squeezed the phone harder.

Walk over slowly.

"elder brother."

She stood before him.

The drunk man, with his head down, didn't seem to hear her voice.

Sitting and sitting, a little unsteady, and supported himself with his hands.

Don't talk, don't make noise or make trouble.

The wine was pretty good.

Only torture yourself, do not affect others.

Wen Ruyue squatted down slowly, looked at him with complicated eyes, "Brother, that woman..."

His movements of supporting his body stopped for an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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