"..." Yun Linfeng choked, as if he didn't expect him to ask back.

So careless, without any gesture of paying attention to the marriage bestowed by the late emperor...

It fits the unruly temperament hidden under his casual posture.

Hear what he wants to hear, or not—and lawlessness doesn't matter.

After all, when the late emperor was around, he already held great power and was able to cover the sky with one hand. Now that the late emperor is gone, he naturally has nothing to fear.


As long as he thinks, what a fart?

Yun Linfeng didn't know how to reply for a while, "So..."

"Master Yun," Pei Tingwen raised his chin slightly, calmly, "Ling Ai's eldest daughter married my nephew. After all, you and I are both in-laws, and we are both family members. If you have anything to say, you may as well speak up." If the family doesn't speak the same language, Mr. Yun doesn't have to be restrained."

"..." Yun Linfeng didn't say anything.

"Master Yun is a smart person. These days I visit my house every day. I think Master Yun understands what my intention is." Pei Tingwen said slowly.

"Ling'ai's second daughter, Yunsi, is well-informed, intelligent, and generous. I like it very much. I came here this time to propose marriage to Master Yun—I want to invite Master Yun to agree to marry Ling'ai to you." I am a wife."

He is used to playing charades on weekdays, but today, he opened the skylight to speak out on a rare occasion.

Unbiased, concise and powerful, clear and plain.

He said: "I know Master Yun has concerns and thinks that I am unclean and definitely not a good match. I also know that Master Yun has a lot of complaints against me in private and doesn't like me."

"It's just... If you like it, you have to fight for it."

The man who was handsome and extraordinary, with a face like a god, stood in front of him, and the oppressive feeling of his height instantly came up.

Even if he bowed his body and made a begging gesture, it would be difficult for people to ignore the sense of control he brought from himself.

Like a giant poisonous snake with fangs, even the most dangerous weapon can't offset people's fear of him.

Involuntarily want to retreat.

"Master Yun, I don't know what you... are thinking?"

The tone of the voice is restrained, but it seems to have no effect.

Yun Linfeng took a step back and turned sideways.

... He had no idea, he just wanted to marry his daughter to a simple person - neither the promiscuous Third Highness, nor the vicious and vicious Pei Tingwen.

He just wanted to marry his daughter to a simple, well-behaved, ordinary man who couldn't make a mistake.

Having experienced the sinister hearts and intrigues in the imperial court, he did not ask his daughter to marry into a rich and powerful family, but only wished to marry a good person and live a peaceful life.

The two of them love each other, just live their little days in peace.

Besides, he didn't ask too much.

He thought so, but it was a pity that God seemed to want to oppose him specifically, but he failed to fulfill his wish.

The simpler the request, the more wolves, tigers and leopards will be attracted.

But - it is still the one that gives him the most headache among jackals and tigers.

Yun Linfeng glanced at him, and asked: "Master Pei's request, do you want to come to discuss with the lower officials, or... just come to inform the lower officials?"

He is a clean-up official, a civil official with no real power, and he doesn't form cliques in the court, and he has no powerful background, so he is naturally not comparable to the Pei family, and he is not comparable to the prominent Pei Tingwen.

If he wanted to, he might marry Yunsi by force.

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