The entire world belongs to their Pei family, and no one dares to stop them.

Yun Linfeng knew this, so when he asked, he already knew the answer in his heart.

It's just that if you want to die, you have to die well.

He was a little heartbroken.

Sure enough, after he asked, Pei Tingwen, who had restrained his tone, smiled and slowly straightened up.

He was not someone who would easily bow his head to show weakness and humility. When he straightened up, the sense of strength of the person in charge of the overall situation immediately appeared.

He didn't deliberately show it off, nor did he restrain himself, just standing there seemed to be threatening.

Outright threat.

He replied: "Master Yun is too worried. It's the younger generation asking for marriage. Naturally, he came to discuss with Master Yun."

"Master Yun does not agree, it is naturally because the junior is not sincere enough, we must show more sincerity, so that Master Yun can see the sincerity of the junior."

Saying that, it's a gentleman's talk, don't force it.


He changed the subject: "There must be a time limit for discussion. You can't... Master Yun has been shirking, asking the junior to work hard to prepare sincerity, but in the end he can't get any results. If this is the case, won't it hurt the junior?" Heart?"

"Master Yun, what do you think?"


Got it, just give him time to think about it.

You can think about it, but it can't be too long, and you must give the answer he wants——

Doesn't that mean that he has to come by force and marry his daughter by force? ?

Yun Linfeng held his breath in his chest, his face was sullen, and he remained silent.

I wanted to walk away, but——

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

At this time, outside the hall.

There were two unknown girls' figures clinging to each other, quietly hiding behind the door.

You are next to me, I am next to you, put your ears behind the door, and listen to the voices inside.

After listening for a while, the whole scene became condensed, and Yun Yan, who huddled in front of her, asked in a low voice: "Second Sister, Master Pei talks to Daddy like this, can Daddy agree to your marriage?"

Is Mr. Pei used to hearing cases in normal times, forgetting that this is courting?

Proposing to the future father-in-law was actually in a half-threatening tone——

Crazy isn't it?
"..." Yun Si, who was also eavesdropping, rubbed her forehead silently, "He might..."

Too anxious.

Because I can't wait, I can't wait, I don't have the patience to grind with the stubborn Yun Linfeng, to boil the frog in a little warm water.

He is so smart, how could he not know how obscene and dirty it is to use his identity to coerce people?
However, he couldn't wait, and he didn't have the patience to wait.

Yun Linfeng's old stubbornness, if he really wants to convince him that he will treat Yun Si well, let him go and agree to marry his daughter, then he doesn't know when he will go.

The person in his heart always said that he wanted to like other brothers, although it was a joke, but he listened to it in his heart.

Waiting until now was his limit, and he couldn't continue to wait any longer, waiting for other possible variables to happen.

Therefore, if the method is dirty, it will be dirty, and he is not a clean person.

As long as he can marry the girl he likes, he can do it no matter how dirty he is, it's irrational.

Yun Si, who knew him well, didn't want to continue listening, so she turned around silently.

Yun Yan, who was listening to her excitement, saw her go, and hurriedly wanted to call her back, "Sister—Second Sister—"

"Don't go, why did you just go—"

Not wanting to alarm the people in the hall, she covered her mouth and chased after him.


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