Northern Xinjiang.

It's the twelfth lunar month of winter.

The north wind was blowing southward, and when the cold air was blowing into the bones, Qi Mingze, who was stable and stable, received the letter from the imperial capital.

On a snowy day, he was wearing thick clothes and hiding in the stove room. He was still in a good mood at first, but after reading the letter, his expression changed immediately.

As if someone had forced shit on him, he slapped the letter on the table, strode out of the room, and grabbed the messenger by the collar.

"Pei Tingwen married the king's fiancée?! Who approved it!? How dare he—"

This is a marriage contract bestowed by the late emperor himself, that shameless bastard dared to—

The innocent messenger tremblingly said, "My lord, this slave...the slave is just a messenger...the slave...the slave doesn't know anything..."

Northern Xinjiang is quite a distance from the Imperial City, and it would take more than two months just to ride a carriage.

The letter came from the imperial capital, even if the horse was rushed and non-stop, it would take half a month.

By the time it was delivered to him, wouldn't that have been—


Qi Mingze was so angry that he trembled all over, kicked him away, "I really—"

He was full of swear words at the moment and wanted to burst out.

No wonder... no wonder... no wonder his fourth brother objected when he proposed to take Yun Si away.

The words were so sweet, why didn't he think that the new emperor and Pei Tingwen were clearly in the same group.

That bastard fell in love with his unusually beautiful fiancée, so he found an excuse to send him away, and then took advantage of her—

At this moment, Qi Mingze felt remorseful, aggrieved and furious, so angry that he kicked the innocent messenger again, and strode out.

"Come on! Prepare the horse for the king!"

When he was about to reach the gate, Sun Muzhen who came over after hearing the news stopped him.

He raised his hand, blocking his way.

"Mingze! What are you doing!? Calm down!"

"Calm!? How can this make me calm?!"

Qi Mingze, who was already so angry that blood rushed to his forehead, was a little unsteady when he walked, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"That bastard, that's my woman! How dare he snatch it!?"

The revenge of taking his wife is irreconcilable, he wants him to die!

"..." Sun Muzhen stood in front of him, dressed in white, simple and filial.

Looking at her son who was already angry and about to lose his mind, she said calmly, "Go back and don't make trouble again."


"Be obedient! Go back!" She suddenly lowered her voice, and scolded, "What's the use of being angry?! Go back? Do you want to go back to the cage they made for you!?"

Dahe is effective, Qi Mingze fell silent.

Sun Muzhen took a deep breath and said: "If you can't bear it, you will make troubles and make big plans. Be obedient, don't make troubles at this time. You making troubles now will not do us any good."

Qi Mingze clenched his fists, "Does mother mean that I want me to watch my woman get married by someone else?"

"It's just a woman." Sun Muzhen pulled him and led him back, "In the future, you will have as many women as you want, and you won't be short of that one."

"The patience now is for a better counterattack in the future. In the future, if you really win, if you want that Yunsi again, you can just grab it back. What's the point?"

"..." Qi Mingze's eyes were filled with hatred.

"Trust me." Sun Muzhen said, "This day will not come very late."

"At that time, you can do whatever you want, you can kill or cut as you like, you know?"


Qi Mingze remained silent.

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