When I saw Qi Mingze again, it was already the Mid-Autumn Festival of the following year.

The Mid-Autumn Festival coincided with the emperor's 23rd birthday. This year's palace was extremely lively. Early on, important officials from all over the world were ordered to come to Beijing to celebrate the emperor.

As the emperor's brother, Qi Mingze was naturally also invited.

Yun Si met him in the back garden of the palace.

She was sitting in a gazebo, leaning against the railing, looking at the flowers under the gazebo, waiting for Pei Ting to hear.

Just then, Qi Mingze appeared.

Suddenly appeared in the pavilion and stood in front of her.

A pair of eyes stared at her sullenly, stared at her face, and stared at her gorgeous and beautiful palace dress.

The palace skirt dragged the floor, and delicate irises bloomed at the end of the skirt, adorning her skirt.

She was sitting by the railing, with an extraordinarily delicate and bright face, like a fairy, her painted skin had been meticulously painted, every inch and every ounce was perfect and stunning.

The beauty is bright, cold and charming, being stared at directly, she seems to have a feeling, and looks over.

With her indifferent and calm gaze coupled with her captivating peach blossom eyes that almost make people lose their souls, she is like a goddess who has fallen into the evil way.

A flawless holiness mixed with the haunting lust.


Qi Mingze's eyeballs were glued to her body from the beginning to the end, and he approached slowly, step by step.

"Miss Yun..."

He was like a foolish person, he couldn't see anything else, he only had her in his eyes, and she was the only one left.

The resentment and dissatisfaction from the past disappeared the moment he saw her.

Walking over step by step, completely forgetting their respective identities, they were about to pounce on them.

Seeing that something was wrong, Yun Si got up and walked around the tea table in the pavilion.

"Third Highness, please respect yourself."

The bright and moving skirt twirled beautifully in mid-air, and her voice was clear, cold and alienated.

"Self-respect?" Qi Mingze, who lost his soul, seemed to regain his sanity for a moment.

But that was only for a moment.

He followed her and said, "Miss Yun, you forgot that I am your husband, I am your only husband."

"Then Pei Tingwen, no, that bastard, he forced you, didn't he?"

"I'm sorry, I came late, I failed to protect you well, and it's all my fault that you were wronged."

As he spoke, his pace quickened.

Across the tea table that was in the way, he turned left and right, as if he wanted to catch her.

Yun Si didn't speak, but ran out of the pavilion immediately when she saw the right opportunity.

Qi Mingze immediately caught up.

"Miss Yun—Miss Yun, don't run away—"

"..." Yun Si wanted to hide to the side.

next second.

A silver light came out of nowhere, like a sword coming out of its sheath, piercing through the air with fierce and icy force.

Before he had time to react, he brushed past her and stabbed her behind.

Yun Si stopped walking.

There was a muffled sound of the blade piercing into the flesh, and the annoying guy behind let out a scream, and then there was no sound.

As soon as Yun Si raised her eyes, she was about to turn around.

When he was about to look at Qi Mingze, the familiar security breath hugged her for a moment, and covered her eyes with his big hands, as if he didn't want her to see the bloody side.

The sound of deep breathing was right next to her ear, and he turned her around, not looking at the other people.

"Are you injured?"

With a soft voice, the man grabbed her hand to check.

Look at the left hand, then look at the right hand.

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