Yun Si looked at the person in front of her, blinked, and shook her head, "No."

Suddenly he hugged her again.

"It's fine if you don't."

He hugged her tightly, his extremely cold eyes fell on the person who fell to the ground behind her.

Gloomy, hiding the monstrous anger.

There was really a killing intent, an unprecedented killing intent.

He wanted him—to die.

He closed his eyes for a moment, and slowly let go of Yun Si.

When he opened his eyes again, he looked at her very gently, touched his face, and said softly: "Si Si, good girl, the empress is over there, you go to your sister first, okay?"

Yun Si looked at him, "What about you?"

"I have to deal with some things." He kissed her to comfort her.

She wanted to look back, but he didn't want her to see this, he held her face and didn't let her look back.

"Hey, go talk to your sister first, huh?"


Yun Si looked into his eyes, the anger that could not be concealed, like a wild beast that was about to tear people apart in the next second.

Terribly gloomy.

Even though she is gentle and gentle at this moment, looking at it, it only makes people feel penetrating, and the soles of their feet feel cold.

She was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Okay, then I'll go find my sister first."

"As for you..." She hesitated for half a second, "Calm down."

"Okay." He answered very quickly, almost without thinking.

Yun Si: "..."

It seems that he didn't listen.




Afterwards, after a long time, Yun Si never heard from Qi Mingze again.

He seemed to have disappeared out of nowhere, no one mentioned him or cared where he was.

As if there is no such person in this world.

Yun Si was a little curious about how he was doing, but she couldn't ask anyone else, so she could only ask the person next to her pillow.

However, the person next to her pillow is jealous, small-minded, vengeful, suspicious, and her bad temper is fully revealed after marriage, exposed to the fullest.

When asked such a question, he didn't answer immediately, but looked at her with a particularly eerie look.


"Si Si asked him what he was doing?"

Even if they are already married, they have become husband and wife, he still can't forget - Qi Mingze was once her fiancé.

Because I remember, he is like a powder keg about this matter, and it will blow up at any point.

Yun Si sat on his desk, her legs dangling slightly, looking innocent, "I'm curious."


The man's eyes were dark, and he pushed the ink inkstone on the table far away in a leisurely manner, so as not to let her sit in the beautiful and clean little skirt.

She sat in front of him and looked at him from a high position. He slightly raised his head and looked at her.

"Really just curious?"

Yun Si: "Otherwise?"

"..." He grabbed her hand without saying a word.

He looked at the crystal jadeite on her white and slender wrist for a while, and then said lightly, "He's gone to a good place."

"He'll be happy there."

Yun Si:?
"What good place?" She was even more curious.

The jealous and suspicious man looked at her uncertainly, "It's all about women."

Doesn't he like playing with women?If he likes to play so much, let him play enough.

Play till he dies.

Yun Si was slightly taken aback.

Before he had time to think about it, the man took her off the table and held her in his arms.

Touching his head, his tone regained some warmth.

"There is nothing else, don't worry Madam, the Third Highness will be happy."

Happy until death.

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