Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3030 Light Year Distance


Yun Si was awakened by the sound of thunder and lightning rain.

The sky outside the room was as dark as an abyss, and there was no light. The strong wind blew the raindrops on the window, crackling, crackling, and the sound was so loud that it seemed to smash the glass.

The cell phone on the bedside table was on and off, off and on, vibrating non-stop.

For a moment, the bright light on the phone screen became the only bright color in the room.

Intense and somewhat harsh.

Yun Si propped herself up slightly, and glanced out the window, it was hazy, and the rain almost blocked all her vision.

It seemed that the whole room was immersed in the seabed formed by the rainwater, everything was dirty and could not be seen clearly.

The phone was still vibrating, Yun Si sat up, rubbed the brows that were a little swollen, picked up the phone, and connected: "Hello?"

Waking up from a nap, her voice was still a little low, Wen Nong was soft, and under the earth-shattering thunder outside the window, it was almost inaudible.

The phone was connected, and a girl's extremely anxious voice came from inside, "Hello? Yunsi? You finally answered the phone—"

"Well, what's the matter?" She said in a low voice.

"There's a power outage, the power outage in the laboratory—" The girl was anxious like an ant on a hot pot at the moment, "Are you in school now? Can you go over and have a look? My reagents are all in the refrigerator, they must be kept at low temperature Save it, return to normal temperature and it’s over, can you please go over and help me take a look? Please, I’m outside now, the road is blocked, the police won’t let me go—”

She was about to cry as she spoke.

What I finally made, I stayed up for countless nights, finally got a little result, and kept it in the refrigerator, but she went out for a trip——

"Yunsi, good Yunsi, are you at school? Can you help me take a look? Please, may I treat you to dinner later?"

"..." Yun Si glanced at the sky outside the window.

Indeed, the rain was so heavy that it was terrifying.

It was obviously still one or two o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky was already completely dark, so dark that there was no light at all.

There was a burst of thunder, she turned sideways and wanted to turn on the light——

The lights didn't come on, the power went out.

"..." She took the phone in another hand and got out of bed, "Got it, don't worry, I'll go over and have a look."

Her small rental house is not far from the school, just a few minutes away, so it doesn't hurt to go and have a look.

This is the rain...

After hanging up the phone, Yun Si came to the window and looked out through the window.

At this time, a thunder flashed from the depths of the dark clouds, illuminating the entire dark sky, "Boom—"

The sound of piercing the sky came in shock, as if a hole had been pierced through the sky.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and there is no awareness of it going to decrease. Looking outside through the hazy window, the ground is full of water everywhere.

The people outside hurried over and saw that the water was already deep to their ankles.

Without delay, Yunsi put on her raincoat and umbrella and left without delay.

Before the rain hit her calves, she headed towards the school.

When she got out of the building and was drenched by the rain, she didn't know if it was her illusion. The rain this time was extremely cold, as cold as the twelfth lunar month.

It's summer, and it's hot, but when it rains, it's inexplicably cold.

His skin shivered from the cold.

Yun Si was wearing a raincoat and an umbrella, and walked carefully along the shallow water.

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