Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3031 Light Year Distance

The wind was strong, and the rain was very cold, splashing on her bare calves, as cold as if her legs were about to be frozen.

The convenience store on the side of the road covered the glass door to block the rainwater that was constantly trying to blow in.

Inside, the TV was on, and the sounds of urgent weather warnings were muffled by the rain.

The female anchor sitting in the TV was sitting upright with a serious expression on her face, opening and closing her lipsticked mouth, talking constantly.

When Yunsi passed by, she took a look inside, and the glass door was splashed with rainwater. She tried to look carefully, but she could only see a few big words that the general public should not go out unless necessary due to sudden rain.

The sky flashed, and there was another deafening thunder.


The thunder sounded like a giant's thunder axe, and the moment it fell, the electricity in this area, which could barely be maintained, was completely paralyzed.

The lights in the convenience store went out, and the TV went black.

The street lights that were constantly flashing on the road were completely scrapped at this moment.

The whole world seems to have fallen into a dark abyss, and the end is coming, horrifying and terrifying.

Yun Si's cell phone vibrated, and there was new news - the government had seriously informed all citizens not to go out.

The rainstorm warning has been raised to the highest level, and the water on the road is getting deeper and deeper, so deep that it does not reach the ankle.

The water was rushing, slapped by the heavy rain, and continued to flow towards the low-lying areas.

The icy temperature seemed to pull the whole world into the Cambrian period. It was so cold that the breath that people exhaled was white.

Yun Si passed by the convenience store, being blown by the wind, she couldn't help shrinking her neck.

Seeing that there were no street lights, and the road ahead was dark, she couldn't see her fingers. She breathed on her hands and continued walking.


Another shock.

Yun Si walked ten or so steps with difficulty, and suddenly stopped.

Turn around and look behind you.

It was raining heavily, and there were no cars or pedestrians on the road.

As a living creature, it seemed that she was the only one left.

She was holding an umbrella and wearing a dark red raincoat, standing alone by the side of the road.

The battery car parked on the side made a loud and harsh sound, and the lights of the empty unmanned car flickered.

The dazzling light is the only bright color in this dark rainstorm.

She looked back, looked around.

There was obviously no one around, so it didn't look unusual, but she just felt...

After watching for a while, she didn't think about it again, she looked away and continued walking.

With hurried steps, her figure quickly disappeared into the torrential rain, and she didn't notice at this moment——

A phantom flashed past where she was originally standing.

It's fleeting, fleeting.

A beast-like grunt, lurking beneath the rain.

"Whirring whirring--"




The torrential rain continued, and the roads were flooded with more and more water.

Yun Si took care of the things in the laboratory and came back soon without any delay.

Walk through that path again, where the battery cars are all discharged, and return to the place where she stopped just now——

Another thunder flashed.


The ground is even already shaking.

"Titer titer titer—"

The siren of the battery car rang again, and the lights of the unmanned car parked on the roadside turned on again.

The dazzling headlights reflected her directly, this time——she didn't miss the shadow that flashed in front of the headlights.

Close to the speed of light, the phantom is in a semi-solid state, thick and snot-like, and turbid green.

It also seems to have tentacles.

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