Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3034 Light Year Distance

It was five o'clock in the afternoon and it was still raining.

Yun Si simply took a shower, changed into long clothes and trousers, and even found out the winter cotton coat.

The cold rain outside the window brought the whole world from summer back to winter without knowing it.

It was too cold, and the temperature plummeted, making it difficult for normal people to adapt.

Outside the window, the rain was pouring across the window, densely sticking to the window. Inside the window, the thin water mist was hazy, reflecting the warm light from the candle inside the house.

After taking a bath, Yun Si just put on her cotton coat when suddenly——

She looked towards the door.

The closed and locked door of the rental house is the most common old-fashioned anti-theft door, made of aluminum alloy, with a small gap under the door.

The gap is not big, ordinary, and only small bugs can get through.

but now……

Yun Si once again saw the yellow-green sticky unknown object that looked like snot.

Through the small gap at the bottom of the anti-theft door, it slowly flowed in like liquid accumulated at the door.

The weird stench, like maggots coming out of the sewer, gushes out frantically and permeates the whole room in an instant.

It's that thing again—

I don't know what it is.

Yun Si slowly put down the phone she was about to pick up, staring at the yellow-green liquid that kept pouring in, without saying a word.

Just watching, the evil liquid, very quickly, began to bubble up.

Bubbles burst out one by one, gradually occupying the entire hallway at the door.

The metal anti-theft door, under its general penetration, "Zi Zi - Zi Zi -" has a pungent corrosive smell coming from it.

Yun Si frowned.

Not only the anti-theft door, but at this moment, the window, which was covered with mist and could not see the outside scenery clearly, also seeped drop by drop of yellow-green liquid.

Like poisonous juice, with an indescribable stench and corrosiveness, it got in bit by bit.

The window by the bed, the kitchen window, even the toilet window—

Her house, at this moment, seemed to be swallowed by a big sticky, slug-like monster, and the digestive juice seeped in bit by bit, flowing towards her.

The target is her.

Yun Si looked around for a week, her eyes were cold, but unexpectedly, she didn't move.

She was waiting, waiting for the speculation in her mind to happen.








The thunder fell with the roar of this unknown monster, and for a split second—it almost shook the ground.

The complaints from upstairs were successfully stopped, but soon there was the sound of running in panic.

There was a gust of wind, obviously in the house, the windows were closed, but I don't know where the wind came from.

The extremely cold wind, with the desperate death temperature of being in a cave under the sea, is like a piranha singing in a low voice before luring its prey, or like the eerie trail of meteors passing by in the universe.

Its existence, empty, silent, soulless, nothing.

There is only absolute, unresistable mind control and crushing.

Like the God who dominates everything in the universe, he has no emotion, no body, only killing and endless cruelty.

The moment it appeared, all the monsters disappeared.

Maybe they were wiped out, or maybe they fled in panic.

In short, everything in the rental house has returned to tranquility, as usual, no different.

The yellow-green viscous liquid disappeared, and the strong stench in the air gradually dissipated.

As if nothing happened.

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