Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3035 Light Year Distance

Everything is just an illusion.

Yun Si stretched out her hand and felt the gloomy, damp, chilly wind.

"who are you?"

She stood where she was, with a hasty tone, trying to catch the figure that couldn't be caught.

It's a pity that I can't catch it at all.

It is nothingness, a phantom, and a very physical existence beyond the imagination of human beings.

It can be caught by the eye, or it can be indiscernible by the eyeball, depending on its mood.

Right now, the wind is coming, but it seems that it will go away soon.

Without stopping, only her voice was left behind, and she landed on the spot alone.

The candle standing on the coffee table flickered a few times, as if fearing the wind from unknown source, it suddenly lost its vitality.

The house fell into darkness again, despite the sound of rain outside the house, it was icy cold, like an abyss cold cellar, where you couldn't see your fingers, only the endless cold began to spread from the soles of your feet to your body.

"..." Yun Si slowly withdrew her hand.

Looking at the room full of silence, I was speechless.




Three days later.

The rain stopped.

When the sun shines through the layers of dark clouds and illuminates the land soaked in rain, everyone is cheering——

Hail the passing of this disaster and the coming of hope.

The dark clouds gradually dissipated, the sun shone on the earth, and the ice-like flood retreated into the ground resentfully like a ghost.

Everything is getting better, birds are flying out, green shoots are growing on the trees, and the power system is finally back on.

Everything is like a nightmare.

When you wake up from the dream, it will be fine.


Everyone woke up from their dreams, only Yun Si——

She felt as if she was being entangled with something.

For three consecutive days, she dreamed every night.

The same dream, even the beginning and the end are the same.

In the dream, there was nothing but a piece of blackness, complete blackness, which enveloped her.

As if a huge, invisible black net bound her, she was controlled, no matter how she walked——she couldn't get out.

Her breath was full of damp, sea-like smell, as if countless floating seaweeds had penetrated into her mouth and stirred.

She couldn't breathe, she felt like she was about to suffocate, her saliva was choked and she wanted to cough, but she couldn't at all.

Something has been blocking her, blocking her breathing, blocking all her senses.

Like a drowning person, he sank into the bottom of the sea.

She wanted to struggle, but didn't know how to struggle.

It wasn't until the moment that she completely fainted in the dream, and fainted——she could wake up from the dream.

As soon as he woke up, he breathed frantically, breathing heavily.

Like a fish caught ashore, returning to the water again, panting violently, rejoicing that he survived.

Obviously it was just a dream——

It's not a nightmare, but it's never a good dream.

Every time she woke up, Yun Si always coughed, her mouth was dry, and she wanted to drink water.

I was exhausted all over, my limbs were weak and weak, I had no strength, and I had to take a while to get out of bed.

It was so abnormal that she felt like she was being entangled in something unclean.

But because it was just a dream and there was nothing abnormal in reality, she couldn't tell what it was.

Unable to find the reason, she could only comfort herself that it was just a dream.

After that heavy rain, the slug-like monster never appeared again, and even the strange mist that protected her twice in a row disappeared.

Everything that happened that day seemed like a dream.

Weird and unreal dream.

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