Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3039 Light Year Distance

She frowned, and touched her face in the mirror again, she clearly felt something on her face, but it was—


The strong wind blew open the unclosed window again.

With a sound of "Pa-ta--", the window that opened inward was blown heavily against the wall.

The sound of the loud noise, listening to the shaking of the glass, makes people's hearts tremble.

It will probably be a windy and rainy night again tonight, Yun Si turns her head and walks over to close the window.

The sky outside was extremely dark and dark, and the moon seemed to be swallowed by the sudden evil cloud.

The heavy rain was pouring, washing the dull road downstairs.

The street lamp is firm, standing upright beside the path, under the refraction of the rain, the halo is hazy, white and soft.

The rain like a string of beads is faintly visible.

Under such heavy rain like a waterfall, Yun Si stood by the window, and the movement of closing the window suddenly stopped.

His eyes were fixed on the downstairs, and in the distance, there was a figure holding a black umbrella.

Human-like, but not human.

Heavy rain is a natural barrier, which can blur people's vision and prevent people from capturing the most important things.

Through the window, Yun Si leaned closer to the thin layer of glass, squinted her eyes with excellent eyesight, trying to focus.

The heavy rain was pouring down, like layers of bead curtains that couldn't be lifted, perfectly blocking her vision, making it almost impossible to see clearly.

That hazy shadow, holding an umbrella, was like a ghost, motionless, standing still in a dark place—a place where street lights could hardly illuminate.

It was so illusory that people could even suspect that it was their own illusion.

Yun Si leaned against the window and recognized it for a while, then turned around and ran out towards the door.

Open the door and run downstairs.

Downstairs, the rain splashed and splashed into the stairwell.

The old-fashioned residents downstairs have no gates, and the path outside is just outside the stairs.

Battery cars were parked on both sides of the path, and they were crackling endlessly under the washing of the rain, and the surrounding iron sheet seemed to be smashed through.

Yun Si ran downstairs, but the shadow was still there, quietly hiding on the side of the gutter.

Yun Si didn't take a breath and ran over.

Coming down in a hurry, she forgot to bring her umbrella and ran over in the rain.

The indistinct figure seemed to move, sensing her approach.

Only this time, it didn't run.

Didn't even bother to turn around.

Yun Si originally wanted to get under the black umbrella, but she didn't want to. When she got closer, she realized that it was not a black umbrella—it was a layer of thick black, strange and unknown substance.

Floating in mid-air, when approaching, you can feel the presence of matter, and the surrounding air is becoming thinner.

The space seems to be compressed and distorted, and even the human body is involved in it.

An extremely uncomfortable existence, the closer you get, the more you can feel the pain of the body's flesh and blood being compressed.

Being curled, three-dimensional, it seems to become two-dimensional - even one-dimensional.

Dimensionality-reducing crushing, this is a higher-dimensional creature, which inherently oppresses the earth's creatures.

Even if it is very human, when you get closer, you can still feel a strong discomfort——

The feeling that the body is being crushed and the soul is about to be deprived.

Even so, it doesn't look like it's moving.

Yun Si approached it in the rain, the nightgown on her body was quickly drenched, and the hair that was about to be dried was completely drenched.

Drenched all over, like a drenched rat, was drenched cold.

The trot came with a slender body, her plain white face was slightly raised, looking at it, her lips were full and rosy.

The eyes are bright, looking at it with novelty and exploration, like a child discovering a new world.

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