Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3040 Light Year Distance

Tried to grab it, but reached forward to grab it—

Is empty, full of coolness.

She can't catch it.

"..." Yun Si looked at the black thing in front of her.

It's not as disgusting and terrifying as it was when I saw it for the first time, when I saw it for the first time—it was like a trophy assembled by a murderous maniac after dismembering the dead.

The body is composed of unidentified pieces of flesh, which resemble human flesh and animal flesh.

There is no face, only a pustular-like blood-red cavity on the top of the head, and the body is sticky, as if poured with well-mixed asphalt mortar. There are no hands, only countless tentacles that can grow.

Like a mutated species growing viciously in the depths of the deep sea, this one alone was born to destroy the world.

Annihilate everything.

But luckily, this time—it looked a little better.

At least, a little humanoid.

Her approaching and touching made its terrifying appearance gradually change.

The indistinct substance morphed towards a humanoid form that was generally similar to her.

It has no sound, and it seems that it will not make a sound. The sound of the rain seems to be its low voice, and the cold rain flows down her thin shoulders. It is watching her, from top to bottom.

Yun Si stretched out her hand and couldn't catch it, and she didn't force it. She stared at it with her soft eyes and opened her mouth.

She wanted to speak, but the sound of the rain was too loud. She said something, and found that the voice was too low, so she tried to raise the volume, "I don't mean anything malicious - can we get to know each other -"

It seemed to have no ears, and it didn't know if it could hear.

Yun Si took a step forward, and the uncomfortable feeling became even stronger.

The body is about to be torn apart, and the soul seems to be completely sucked by it. She seems to have accidentally broken through the critical point of safety——

Just one step forward, the powerful gravitational force pulled her whole body in an instant.

As if the asteroid is being pulled by the expanding black hole, it will be sucked away in an instant.

Without the center of gravity, or even the existence of gravity, she fell forward like a butterfly without wings——

A hand that suddenly appeared supported her.

It grew out of it.

Should it be the hand?
The solid body supporting her, under the gaze of human eyes, looks like the poisonous tail of a scorpion, the scales of a snake, and the claws of a lizard.

There were no five fingers, it was just an extremely ugly lump of flesh, but after touching her, the solid body automatically differentiated into hands like hers.

Rough, dry, reptile-like hands with inch-by-inch scales.

Hands with broad joints, with thin pussies growing between the fingers, like birds, with sharp and sharp nails.

Weird and scary.

When you touch it, you can feel the extremely cold temperature of its body——

When a person's skin touches it, it can condense into an ice film almost instantly, and the blood vessels freeze.

Yun Si looked at it, and it pushed her back a step.

The distance was widened and she was able to retreat beyond the critical point of safety, which seemed to be the rarest tolerance.

Under the downpour, its strange and frightening hand, like a bird, quickly dissipated and turned into the most primitive form——

No form, just a cloud of vague and mysterious matter.

The heavy rain was noisy, and it made a subtle and eerie grunt amidst the sound of the rain.

"Gulu Gulu—" Hiding under the sound of rain.

At the same time, an extremely gentle voice that seemed to come from the depths of the universe, making people tremble, sounded in her mind.

Long, lonely and deep.

"Let's go back."

It spoke to her.

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