Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3041 Light Year Distance

Yun Si raised her head slightly, looked at it, the rain was cold, she wiped it casually.

The jade-like rain slapped on the concrete floor, splashed in all directions, and drenched her.

The voice resounding in the depths of my mind was more shocking than the voice I heard with my ears, and it was an existence that made people feel fearful and timid.

Even though she was extremely reluctant, her body would still involuntarily want to listen to the voice entangled in her nerves.

It is as if a living person is strung on a puppet string, and free limbs are bound, manipulated, and bound.

Thinking is like a bird in a cage, restricted, in a daze, without clarity.

It turned into a paste and couldn't turn it around, so I had to be helplessly confined in place, like a poor child.

This kind of feeling is strong, yet somewhat soft.

It can make people feel the changes in the body, but it is enough to suppress.

Obviously, it's sending a signal—

red flag.

It is dangerous and powerful.

At least, it is already an unimaginable existence in front of a species as ordinary and small as human beings.

Human beings are irrelevant to it, and it doesn't want to touch it.

It comes from far away, and one day, it will also leave.

As for her...

Yun Si resisted the urge to turn around and go back, and stopped in place, wanting to say something more.

But it didn't seem like he wanted to continue talking to her.

When the wind blows, it disperses.

Dissipated like wind and sand, and in the blink of an eye, it was no longer there.

Indifferent, cold, without human emotions, and without any emotions.

It's just a combination of the weirdest matter, born in the universe, and eventually, it may dissipate in an unknown place, no one knows.

It is difficult to understand it with ordinary people's thinking, and it does not need ordinary people to understand it.

Do whatever you want, never care about anything.

"Don't—" Yun Si grabbed forward, but it was in vain.

The space that was distorted and compressed has returned to normal.

She couldn't catch anything, only the only thing left after it left, a little bit of chill.

Under the washing of the heavy rain, the chill quickly dissipated.

"..." Yun Si's wet hand stayed in the air.

The words she wanted to keep stuck stuck in her throat, she lowered her eyes, looking at her empty hand.

Silent, speechless.

At this time, the rain gradually became lighter.




one year later.




A big.

Chemical laboratory building, bright office.

"Yunsi, have you considered it? Do you have any thoughts in your mind now?"

As a tutor, Professor Cai Zhi brought a cup of hot tea and handed it to the person sitting on the sofa.

She took it with both hands, and said in a gentle and polite voice, "It's about the same. I have discussed this matter with my family, and they all have no objections, and they all support me to continue my PhD."

Cai Zhi nodded in satisfaction after hearing the words, "Just agree, if the family members agree, you will have no worries."

"In this case, that matter is almost settled. I will report the list to the school in the next few days, okay?"

She had fallen in love with her for a long time, and she had always wanted her to continue her Ph.D., but she finally agreed, so naturally she had to hurry up and make a decision.

Yun Si nodded without any objection, "Yes, teacher, you can make the decision."

Cai Zhi walked to the desk, and took out a brand new application form from the drawer, "Well then, take this form back and fill it out, tomorrow...ah no, I'm going on a business trip tomorrow, then you can let me go on the table."

"Okay." Yun Si also stood up. (end of this chapter)

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