Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3042 Light Year Distance

When I left the office, it was already dark.

It's not the normal blackness when night falls, it's the blackness when the wind comes and the dark clouds come.

It is usually after five o'clock in the afternoon, when the sun is half-set, it should be the time when the bright and soft sunset will decorate the whole sky.

But today—the weather is not very good, it seems that heavy rain is coming.

The sky outside was as dark as an abyss, and frightening lights flashed from time to time.

Even before it rained, the sky was already thundering.

There was a heavy muffled sound, as if a punch had been punched in the giant's chest, and the buzzing of thunder was endless.

After packing up her things, Yun Si picked up the water glass on the table and took a sip.

The sky outside the window was terribly dark, and almost all the scenery could not be seen. Next to her, Ning Xuan, who was busy with her paper, raised her head and took a look outside.

Visibly irritable.

"It's going to rain again, ah, annoying! I didn't bring an umbrella."

Yun Si looked at her, thought for a while, took out the umbrella from the drawer, and handed it over, "Use mine, I'm leaving now, and I should be able to get home before it rains."

Ning Xuan was flattered, "Really? Don't you need it? It looks like it's going to rain soon——"

"Yeah." Yun Si carried her bag on one shoulder and patted her, "You work hard, hold on."

"Ah..." Ning Xuan's face collapsed at the thought of the thesis.

"Let's go, bye."

The dark cloud was getting thicker and thicker, and the muffled thunder was getting louder and louder. Yun Si went downstairs with her bag on her back.


There is a new red rainstorm warning message in the phone.

Another rainstorm, the highest level of rainstorm warning.

This means that it is not advisable to go out for the next few hours.

It was the weekend, and Yun Si originally planned to go to the supermarket to restock.

It seemed that it was too late now, after leaving the gate of the laboratory building, Yun Si looked up at the dark cloudy sky at this moment.


A drop of water fell on the ground without knowing when.

Like the last horn sounded before the rainstorm——

The horn sounded, and soon, the water poured out.

Yun Sifang walked a few steps, felt the rain falling from the sky, and was about to hurry up and run.

Suddenly, an umbrella came behind him.

"Senior Sister." A clean and gentle male voice sounded, amidst the sound of rain, softly, "It's raining, didn't you bring an umbrella?"

"Where are you going? Shall I see you?"

Yun Si stopped moving, turned around, and saw that she knew a junior from the same laboratory, she smiled politely, "It's okay, no need, just a few steps away, I won't bother you."

The young, bright and handsome junior seemed to have guessed that she would say that. He tilted the umbrella to her side, looking obedient and understanding.

"It's okay, senior sister, don't bother, I just want to go out too."

"Senior should go out through the south gate, right? I'm going to pass there too, why don't I send you, senior, to the convenience store outside the south gate. There should be umbrellas in the convenience store. Senior, you don't have an umbrella. If so, you can buy it there.”

"In this way, senior sister, you can save some distance from getting wet." The junior student pointed to the outside of the umbrella, "The rain is too heavy, if you go out in the rain, you will get wet soon."

"..." He was thoughtful.

No wonder Ning Xuan always told her that this junior brother is a nice person with a good temper and willing to help others.

Yun Si thought for a while, and then looked at the rain that was getting heavier and heavier.

"Then... I will trouble you." She said politely, "Thank you."

The younger brother looked at her and smiled a little shyly, "It's nothing, it's a matter of little effort." (End of this chapter)

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