Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3043 Light Year Distance

Not far from the laboratory building to the south gate of the school, the two of them walked together, and the gentlemanly junior who was extraordinarily considerate slightly tilted the umbrella to her side.

It was raining heavily, and the two should have been closer together, but he was extraordinarily modest and gave her a more central position, while he was on the side of the corner——

Even if his sleeves were about to get wet from the rain.

"Senior sister, I heard that you are going to continue your Ph.D."

Without silence between the two of them, he tried to strike up a conversation with her.

Yun Si looked at him, smiled and nodded, "How do you know?"

He was a little embarrassed, "I just accidentally heard the chat between you and Ning Xuan, senior sister, and I overheard what you were talking about about the doctor...but I didn't mean to—"

As if afraid that she might misunderstand, he quickly added an explanation, "I just happened to pass by accidentally, and then heard it."

"..." Yun Si raised her brows, looked at his obviously nervous face, smiled, and her tone became gentle and friendly, "Don't be nervous, I don't know how to eat people."

Probably because she was used to being cold and alone in the laboratory on weekdays, and rarely had contact with these juniors, so they were afraid of her and spoke cautiously.

It was raining heavily, she took a look at his body that was about to withdraw from the umbrella, stretched out her hand, and gently pulled him in.

Just touched it, and he felt as if he was burned instantly, "School--sister--"

But at this moment, the senior sister's attention seems to be no longer on him.

Just a polite tug, she withdrew her hand, and originally wanted to say something, but suddenly, her eyes passed him and fixed on somewhere in the distance.

"Sister?" The innocent boy under the same umbrella with her whispered.

Followed her gaze—and saw nothing.

It was raining heavily, and there was no one else on the school road except them.

Senior sister is looking at...

"It's okay." Her calm and gentle voice drew his gaze back, as if she was just distracted for a while.

"What did you just say?" She didn't listen carefully.

The two walked towards the direction outside the south gate together, one tall and one short, walking slowly.

"Ah, it's's just...senpai is fine, I'm not nervous..."

"..." She laughed, "Are you still stuttering when you're not nervous?"

"... Ah... Is there... Is there? Just... I don't stutter now..."

Soon, the figures of the two disappeared outside the south gate.

Under the hazy heavy rain, the rain washed the ginkgo trees on the side of the road, and the low shrubs were drenched to their heads, "Patta Papa—" with heavy branches and leaves.

It was a white mist, and the rain was cold, like fog but not fog.

The sky flashed and the thunder shook the ground.

In an unknown place just now, amidst the hidden sound of the heavy rain, a shadow appeared vaguely.

Anthropomorphic, vaguely humanoid.

With a strong sense of alienation that makes people want to scream and fear, it is cold, quiet and suffocating.

It exists there, like an abyss, like darkness, like a void, a universe that is constantly collapsing and compressing.

It came up, again.




"Senior, see you tomorrow—"

Walking to the door of the convenience store, before Yun Si could react, an umbrella was stuffed in her hand.

The junior, who smiled shyly and cleanly along the way, gave her the umbrella and ran away. Drenched in heavy rain, he ran to the bus stop not far away.

"You can just return the umbrella to me tomorrow, senior sister, I'll go first, bye--"

Yun Si: "Hey, you—"

She was stunned.

It didn't mean that it was fine to send her to the convenience store, but it was fine for her to buy an umbrella herself, why did he still—

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