Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3045 Light Year Distance

Chapter 3045 Light-year distance (17)

The figure didn't move, but under the sound of rain, the pus-like grunt could be faintly heard.


Like the low voice of a siren, or like the vortex of a black hole in the depths of the universe, vast and mysterious, barren ghosts, deeply attractive——

The human spirit is being drawn.

Like countless clues, he lost his autonomy in this strange and mysterious and evil chaotic sound.

When ordinary people hear it, they are afraid that their spirits are already in a trance and abnormal.

Even Yun Si can feel the mental pull.

It's trying to manipulate her, or—it's trying to pull her brain out, expose it, and—

Bit by bit, flatten, unfold, and see what happens.

It was watching her, with its eyeless senses, with a strange, sinister look.

As if it was flowing poisonous juice, the poisonous snake exposed its fangs, its upper body stood up, and its emperor green pupils stared at her strangely.

Even, she didn't do anything.

Yun Si didn't know how it appeared in her home, it probably followed here because of the appearance of monsters.

But now... She looked around, and the monster was gone, but it—

Turning around, the vague yet clear, eerie figure appeared in front of her in an instant.

Terrifying and unbearably screaming.

Just a little bit, just a little bit closer to stepping into the dangerous broken border.

Its existence can change everything around it - gravity, magnetic field, and even time, space, and matter.

It is not bound by this three-dimensionality, nor is it controlled by this earth.

Come is come, free and unrestricted.

It appeared in front of Yunsi, imitating a human form—a human form that is more in line with human aesthetics.

The dark light envelops its countenance—

Like a god, like an evil god exiled to the edge of the universe.

The rotten and randomly piled-up matter was pinched into an angel-like elegant and holy appearance.

The facial features are superior, the brow bones are deep, and the shadows are light, like a sculpture carefully carved by the Creator, extremely beautiful, and there is no mistake.

It's just that no matter how human-like it is—it's not human after all.

The angelic and holy facial features are illusory and fuzzy, patched up with the small pieces of skin.

Looking at it is like looking at the beautiful butterfly attached to the rotting corpse.

Beautiful, but without a trace of life, lifeless.

Creepy like a delicate puppet.

Yun Si looked at it, but didn't move.

The changes in the surrounding magnetic field and gravitational force caused her body to feel some strong thrust—trying to push her towards it.

Outside the window, the sky flashed——

The flash of light made her see its extremely terrifying human face clearly, and two whitish unknown objects were inlaid in the deep eye sockets.

Like a stone, and like the eyes of a dead fish.

Similar to the opening of human lips, "Gurr—gr——"

Monsters disguised under human skin, like fish with strange gills coming ashore, everything is so terrifying.

Make people scream.

Yun Si looked at it with a calm and calm expression, not frightened by his weird and frightening beauty.

His eyes followed its face and landed on its body——

In my mind, its words automatically appeared.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time," it said.

Without a vocal organ, it seems that it can only sense and communicate with her in this way.

Simple, cold, no-emotional exchanges.

Yun Si looked at its naked and pale body, which was human-like but rough like a lizard, and asked calmly, "What are you waiting for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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