Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3046 Light Year Distance

The weird and terrifying monster, as beautiful as a god, stared blankly at her with those eyes that seemed to be dug out of the grave of the dead.

The tail fin like a fish, the claw like an eagle, and the humanoid hand like a murderous python slowly raised.

In the palm of his hand, a sticky turbid green liquid slowly flowed down between his fingers.

As if a giant crushed a fat caterpillar to death, his hands were full of pulp, and the pulp flowed helplessly.

It flowed in mid-air, and soon, it scattered into the matter of particle board—disappeared in the air and turned into dust.


A swamp full of carrion, the sound of devouring encroachment.

He was gloomy, staring at her with white eyes without a trace of human body temperature, and said:

"They like it very much and come to you."

By them, he meant those slimy, slug-like monsters—

It is an ugly thing that can change into various shapes, emit ultra-high-frequency screams, and stimulate people's senses to death.

Those are bad guys, at least, guys who are extremely malicious and aggressive towards humans.

They like to come to her very much.

It was as if everyone was staring at her, frantically wanting to attack her, kill her, and destroy her.

Wherever she went, those guys would appear, like a swarm of rats in a stinky gutter.

Almost red-eyed.

He uttered a calm question.

Yun Si glanced at his palms and didn't answer, just said: "Didn't you kill them? What else should you care about?"

She knew that he was always there, but he didn't appear in front of her.

The monsters stalked her, and he dealt with them one by one—out of her sight.

Therefore, on the bright side, her life is considered peaceful and peaceful, and she has not encountered any danger.

She thought—maybe he came here just to catch and kill these alien monsters.

When all the monsters are gone, he will leave.

The gravitational force constantly pushing her forward is still there, faintly strong, to the point that she can't ignore it.

Yun Si turned around, went to the dining table to pour some water, took a sip, and said calmly, "Besides, aren't you here? They come, why don't you kill them all?"

With her overly calm and calm appearance, she really didn't look worried at all.

I entrusted my safety entirely to him.

"..." The human-shaped rag doll-like monster, the white and cold eyes seemed to become cloudy——

Such as cloudy gray vitreous body.

The human form is slowly melting, turning into a chaotic unknown body again.

The lizard-like tentacles are growing and spreading, and wherever they go, there is darkness.

Under the faint light coming in from the window, the endless darkness spread out and flowed to her feet.

He seemed to laugh, a human-like laugh, deeply poured into her brain.

A burst of coolness grabbed her like an invisible big hand.

"You, trust me?"

He seemed to want to peek into her brain—or even to dissect it blatantly.

He wanted to touch her mind, read her memory, and read everything hidden in her body.

With malice, malice that arises out of nowhere.

Yun Si put down her water glass and looked at him.

The darkness spread to her feet, her eyes were clear, her brows were slightly raised, and she took a step back.

"What do you want to do?"

Naturally wanting to do something brutal, he's trying to read her mind - everything.

"..." Yun Si, who felt something was wrong, took another step back and kept backing away.

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