Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3048 Light Year Distance


With a short word, he firmly fixed her head with both hands, and pressed his cold hand, which was as rough as lizard skin, to her cheek.

The monster has no breath, no heartbeat, and no body temperature.

Being touched by him, it felt like a corpse, a cold corpse, a viscous and sinister corpse, revived, and clinging to her.

Her struggles, her dodging, and trying to hide were all useless in front of him.

Everything was exposed, her inner thoughts, emotions, and feelings for him.

His vague and elegant face, which is more like a seraphim, is hidden in the darkness, and the silvery light and shadow faintly emerge.

Pale and dry lips no longer made the sound of gurgling like a fish that was about to die.

very quiet.

The darkness spreading all around fell silent just like him.

His voice died away between the first words he spoke.

Yun Si, who was watching his reaction all the time, found the right moment, pushed him away vigorously, turned around and ran away.

Wanting to run out, but she soon realized - that bad guy has sealed off the whole space.

When she didn't know it, at the moment she tried to run away——

Here, it has become a place where even the air cannot penetrate.

The darkness has turned into a cage, the sound of rain has become a beating drum, and the lightning has become a lamp—the only precious light in this prison.

Yun Si ran to the door, but found that the door couldn't be opened.

She cursed secretly, turned around, and looked at the monster standing there, whose human form was gradually melting away.

His handsome and frightening face was no longer there. At this moment, he was like the only clay sculpture infused with soul under the heavy rain. His limbs were melting little by little, and his flesh was also dripping down little by little.

Like wax—figure wax.


Crude oil-like, extremely viscous.

Yun Si was short of breath, leaning against the door that couldn't be opened, staring at him.

Unable to guess his thoughts, she has become extremely passive now.

There is a feeling that man is a knife and I am a fish.

Fortunately, monsters are monsters after all, Yun Si comforted herself in this way - he would not understand human emotions.

Even if he could peek into her heart, he might not be able to understand one or two of them.

His sudden stop seemed to be in a daze, and also like the doubts shown by an innocent child when he encounters complex emotions.

Obviously just don't understand.

While she was trying to escape, his human body gradually disappeared.

The two gray eyeballs sunk deeply into the eye sockets, staring at her like this, and said calmly: "Don't try to escape."

When the human figure disappeared, the darkness gradually receded.

The last sentence left in her mind was——

"If you try to escape, I will...take all of you."

To occupy means devouring her brain, her body, and even her soul.

Perhaps it is difficult for humans to understand the word encroachment.

The encroachment in the universe is a captive, a demand, an acquisition full of violence, and an existence beyond the imagination of human beings.

He was warning her, and it seemed that he was reminding her gently and gently.

After the reminder, the moment the darkness finally faded, the wind picked up.

Humid and dull, the breathless wind blew past her.

It is an invisible existence that turns into wind, gravel, and dust.

She couldn't see it, but she could still feel his presence.

Yun Si leaned against the door, feeling the eerie and eerie chill that still existed around her, before she could breathe a sigh of relief——


The umbrella she had left on the cabinet fell off.

It fell to the ground for no reason.

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