Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3049 Light Year Distance

Yun Si looked over.


She crouched down and looked around.

Where is her umbrella?

The umbrella I brought back from the outside was still wet and full of water.

But when it fell to the ground, the strange thing was that the ground was dry without a single drop of water.

The cabinet was also dry, as if the umbrella had never existed.

Yun Si bent over and searched back and forth at the entrance several times.

Unable to find the umbrella, she raised her head and stared blankly into the air.

"Where's my umbrella?"

"..." No one answered her.

In the room, she seemed to be the only one left, talking to herself.

Yun Si looked down again.

After searching for a long time, there was no sign of an umbrella. She straightened up and said with a straight face, "Did you take the umbrella I put on the cabinet?"


"That's not my umbrella," Yun Si supported her back, maintaining her patience, "You return it."

"..." There was still no answer.

Yun Si found a spare umbrella from the cabinet and handed it in mid-air, "This is mine, you use mine, return the others', huh?"


It was cold, and no sound responded to her.

Yun Si: "..."

"I count to three."




"..." This scoundrel!




The next day.

The rain stopped.


When Yun Si came to the laboratory, the junior who borrowed her umbrella yesterday had already arrived.

He is often the first one to come, and he takes the initiative to clean, tidy up, and help clean the experimental equipment.

The evaluation in the laboratory is very good, everyone likes him very much.

When Yun Si came, no one else came, and he was the only one sitting in the laboratory.

Seeing her coming, he immediately greeted her warmly, "Good morning, senior sister~"

"..." Seeing him, Yun Si felt a little guilty, "...good morning."

She tried everything last night, and some monster just wouldn't give her the umbrella.

All the good things have been said, but it still doesn't work.

She was so angry that she really wanted to kill him.

No matter what you say, no way, there is no way...

Putting the bag in her place, Yun Si hesitated for a moment, took out a newly bought umbrella from the bag, and walked over.

"Um...Jiaze, I'm really sorry, I accidentally broke the umbrella you lent me yesterday, and it's useless... I'm really sorry, shall I pay you a new one? Or, I'll pay you in cash, how much is your umbrella? I'll pay you double?"

The junior was stunned for a moment, and then, he smiled with a warm smile, "It's okay, senior, it's just an umbrella, if it breaks it will break, don't worry about it."

"No, I'd better pay you back." Yun Si put the new umbrella on his desk, and said politely, "After all, it's because of me that you lost the umbrella, and I should pay you back because of emotion and reason."

"You accept it, if you don't accept it, I feel sorry."

The main thing is that I don't want to owe favors.

Favors are easy to owe, but not easy to repay.

The junior seemed to know that she didn't want to owe favors, so he didn't shirk anymore, put away the umbrella, and said with a smile: "Then thank you senior sister, so I still made money, and exchanged an old umbrella for a new umbrella."

This is to say that I don't want her to feel guilty all the time, he is indeed the most lovable guy in the laboratory, like a little sun, extraordinarily warm.

Yun Si looked at him, and thought of a certain guy who had been hiding all this time——

Compare the two, tsk.

"Senior sister, have you had breakfast? I brought some more, why don't you eat some?"

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