Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3051 Light Year Distance

Her hands were full of coffee liquid, and her buttocks hurt from the fall.

Yun Si took a tissue for her to wipe, and the junior quickly brought a mop from outside the laboratory.

"Sister, go to the toilet and deal with it. I'll clean it up here."

Ning Xuan, who had a pain in her butt from the fall, did not forget to give Yun Si a look——

Look, who doesn't like this sensible brother?

The point is, he took the initiative, and there was life in his eyes.

"..." Yun Si supported her, pretending not to see, "Let's go, I'll help you go to the toilet to wash."

Grinning her teeth, Ning Xuan leaned against her, clutching her butt, and limped along.


Yun Si supported her, but she still didn't forget to turn her head and take a look at the rotten chair that fell on the ground.

The chair won't break for no reason, there must be a reason, Yun Si lowered her eyes and closed her eyes.




In the following whole day, for some reason, Ning Xuan became extremely unlucky.

If the experiment can’t be done, either the instrument is broken, or the material has deteriorated, or it’s a careless walk, and it falls on the ground—sprinkling the reagent all over the sky.

Not only that, when I left the laboratory, I found a big cockroach in the dish when I was eating, and there were small bug corpses floating in it when I drank milk tea——

Even drink saliva - will be choked.

She was so unlucky that she was going crazy and didn't dare to do anything.

The whole person felt helpless.

Yun Si, who saw everything in her eyes, endured and endured.

In the end, after that student fell too badly, smashed the experimental equipment, and was scolded by the instructor, Yun Si couldn't hold back anymore.

He took off his lab coat, walked out of the laboratory, and walked to an unoccupied corner at the end of the corridor.

"come out."

She lowered her voice, stared at the air with a cold face, "I know you're here, come out."

"..." No one answered her.

Yun Si took a deep breath, tried not to get angry, and tried to calm down, "It's almost enough, don't go too far, I know you did it."


Yun Si: "They didn't mess with you, what did you mess with them? Are you unhappy?"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she immediately denied the answer.

Monsters are monsters, how can there be human emotions?
She paused, her tone slowed down, "Okay, it's ok, don't do it anymore, okay?"


Yun Si glanced at the corridor outside, someone came out and was walking this way.

Yun Si didn't say anything more, and was about to go out——

A hand that suddenly appeared grabbed her.

With one hand, he pulled her back into the corner.

In the shadows, in the corridor where the light cannot find.

A humanoid hand that was as cold as a dead man covered her face.

The slender and broad hands finally formed the most human-like appearance.

There are joints, skin sacs, tendons and nails.

No longer like eagle claws, fish fins, frog webs, nor the stickiest sludge in the shadows—

Beautiful human hands, pale and cold, a perfect work of art.

The veins and veins on the hands are extremely shallow, just a layer of pretentious embellishment.

When touched, it still feels rough, like snake scales, fish tails, and scorpion skin.

In short, he can still feel his non-human existence-it's just that he looks like a human being.

After all, he is not.

Yun Si was pulled back to the corner by him, his face was covered by him, flesh squeezed out, like a dazed little doll.

Haven't been able to react yet——

He was reading her mind again.

Everything, even staring at her hidden deep memory.

"..." Yun Si looked at him in a daze——

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