Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3052 Light Year Distance

Looking at his face that was so ordinary that it was completely indistinguishable from the crowd.

A completely normal human face, without the stitches and stitches of the patches of human skin, and without the perfect face with superior bone structure.

Turn into a human being—the most ordinary, inconspicuous person.

Only those eyes are gray and dark, with cloudy vitreous bodies, and a grayish-white fuzzy shape.

In the blink of an eye, there is still a thin white film, like an aquatic animal, sticking to his eyes.

Yun Si looked at him, suddenly realized something, and looked at his body——


He has no clothes on! ! !
Someone was walking this way, she hugged him and pushed him inside, "Shh, don't talk."

It seems that she will have to keep a set of clothes with her in the future.

Yun Si, who was afraid that he would be discovered, was always paying attention to the movement outside.

Fortunately, the person who came was walking towards the elevator, and did not come to the end of the corridor.

Soon, there was no movement outside.

Yun Si breathed a sigh of relief.

【Are you nervous? 】

The hand that fell on her face moved slowly.

Pressing against her warm face, the chill oozes out little by little, like a venomous snake coiling around.

Without the danger of being discovered, Yun Si grabbed his hand, and the distance between the two of them opened.

"Don't look at my thoughts, don't look at anything."

She gritted her teeth in a low voice, "This is my privacy, do you understand?"

Of course he doesn't understand.

The abnormally cold humanoid hand landed on the frontal lobe of her brain.

You can feel it just by touching it.

He said silently and calmly:
【Your body tells me that you don't reject it. 】

"..." Yun Si grabbed his other hand again, preventing him from touching both hands.

"I reject it."

She glared at him, "Also, don't interrupt, tell me what you did today."

【…? 】

The monster's gray and white eyeballs looked at her blankly.

Under the thick eyelashes, the white sclera of the eyes appeared as he blinked.

It is white, like a layer of fog, and like animal mucous membranes.

Looking at her, she was like a pure and innocent child.

Yun Si remained expressionless, "Don't play dumb, I know it's you."

He didn't move, but the beautiful pale humanoid hand was about to reach out again and cover her face.

【How do you know it's me? 】

he asked calmly.

【If it wasn't me, did you blame me? 】

Yun Si:?
Someone else came—

This time it was Ning Xuan and that junior.

The junior fell again—very inexplicably, he could fall on flat ground.

They were talking in the corridor, Ning Xuan's voice was especially loud.

Swearing, swearing at the whole damn day.

Yun Si's first reaction was to push her man into the corner to block him.

It's useless though - he's tall, a head taller than her.

Being hugged by her, he didn't react, but his hands stuck to her face again.

I have to touch her, and I want to peek into her heart all the time.

"..." Yun Si listened to the movement outside, and when there was no movement, she raised her head with a tense expression.

"You really didn't do it?"

She thought it was him...

【Do you wish it was me? 】

he asked lightly.

"..." Yun Si was silent for a while, "Then... did I blame you?"

He didn't answer, just said:

[There are more and more strange things recently, maybe they are the ghosts. 】

Meaning, he was really wronged.

It's not him who does bad things, it's other bad guys.

She wronged him.

"..." Yun Si's momentum weakened a little, " that so?"

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