Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3053 Light Year Distance

She didn't know whether to trust him or not.

After all, those other monsters have not appeared in front of her for a long time.

Most of them wanted to appear, but before they could appear, they were already killed.

According to his words - they will be destroyed, overrun, annihilated, and turned into nothingness.

According to Yun Si's understanding, he killed them all, and there is no possibility of resurrection.

Yun Si thought that he had no reason to lie to her.

"...Then, well, I blamed you, I'm sorry."

[Do you care about them? 】

He asked suddenly, without a trace of emotion.

Yun Si looked at him and pursed her lips, "They are innocent people, there is no need for them to suffer these innocent disasters."


The gray-white eyes of the humanoid monster were blindfolded, like an ancient zombie hidden in the dark forest, staring at her gloomyly, without any trace of popularity.

Maybe it's staring, or maybe—there's no use of the pair's organs at all.

It only needs perception, close contact perception, it is enough.

A beautiful human hand that was not as ordinary as that face covered her face.

The cold and dull, lifeless hand seemed to be able to touch her heart through the skin.

He didn't say anything, just perceived everything about her over and over again——

Thoughts, emotions, and the most complex emotions among human beings.

Like a machine, calmly and rationally, to detect.

[So, who do you care more about? 】

The monster hidden under the humanoid skin stared at her for a long time through human eyes.

It seems that the doubts raised by an innocent child—or like an old man who has lived for hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands of years, sees through her inner questions.

She has nowhere to hide, and there is no possibility that she wants to hide.

"..." Yun Si didn't speak, and grabbed his hand.

The beautiful humanoid hand is fragile, only a little touch, a force——

The skin sac was broken, exposing the sticky and moist meat inside like octopus tentacles.

Sticking to the palm of her hand, mixed with the broken half humanoid hand.

Yun Si glanced at it, and immediately withdrew her strength, her expression a little unnatural.

"Again, don't mess with my thoughts."

"Also," she grabbed his sticky and ugly tentacles with her white hands, without shaking them off, she said,
"Talk to me if you need anything in the future, don't just take things randomly without saying anything, you know?"

She was talking about yesterday when he took the umbrella away.

I said all kinds of good things last night, but the bad guy just refused to pay her back, so angry——

Yun Si looked outside, made sure there was no one there, stood on tiptoe, and pinched his face as if to vent her anger.


The monster's face was immediately torn again.

The fragile human skin cannot be pinched.

Squeeze it, and the skin will be broken, and the black, pitch-clay-like, piled up thing will be exposed inside——

It's not human muscle tissue, and it doesn't have any blood vessels.

Seeing this, Yun Si coughed, tiptoed, and touched him guiltily.

"Okay, I won't talk about you anymore."

Besides, she was afraid that he would be completely disfigured.

【Can you give me whatever I want? 】

The scary monster with a broken skin asked calmly.

Yun Si silently helped him stick the broken skin back, and when she heard that, she hummed.

"what do you want?"



He didn't answer.

Extremely quiet.

Yun Si thought, this might be a problem—for him.

Wanting is originally caused by human desires.

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